Plantronics Voyager Legend UC
So the Plantronics Voyager Legend UC is something I find quite amazing. The BT300, or the bluetooth dongle (dongle...I said dongle <insert childish laugh here>), is what originally got me on the Plantronics bandwagon. I was trying to figure out why my laptop's bluetooth wouldn't let me pair voice and sound to my Voyager Pro HD. Turns out, as I learned, bluetooth has different standards for audio and data, and most laptops only have, or did at least, the data portion integrated onto the wifi card. Oh well. So moving forward in time to the Legend UC kit, and just wow!
The carry case, which magnetically holds down the BT300 and the headset, so they don't go flying, is also a battery pack! It has, when fully charged, the equivalent of two full charges to the Legend, on it. So, all together, you'll get anywhere from 17-21 hours of talk time. 17-19 is a bit more realistic, and 21 is the advertised. Still pretty dang good. The Legend broke the mold that the Legend Pro HD had of using microUSB and used a proprietary connector. Have no fear though! Forgot that cable but have the case? Well, you're in luck! The case charges via microUSB! Don't have one of those (I'm looking at you iPhone users...-.-')? Run out to almost anywhere, even some gas stations, and pick one up and it'll work! There is a button on the side of it that is a battery indicator light, and this will prevent guessing games, so you can know exactly when your headset, and case, are charged.
The features of the Legend are nice. One thing I think is a bit of a pain point for me is the volume changer and the power switch are both switches. The Pro HD had buttons on the top for volume and a button on the back for power. I like the switch for power but kind of miss the buttons on top for volume. Take it for what it is.
The voice control functions are amazing on it! Being able to text completely hands free, answer a call by saying "Answer", or ignore a call by saying "Ignore", etc are just amazing. The microphone does a great job at cancelling noise as well as picking up your voice well, the earbud has a variety of sizes and actually twists and locks in for security but still is effortlessly changed. Lastly, with many bluetooths, once they're paired, they're paired. However, the Legend has a smart presence about it, and if you have it on but aren't wearing it, it routes to the phone. Say you answer the call and then put on the bluetooth. It'll seamlessly change over. Dropped it off your ear (somehow...) during a call? Don't worry. Put the phone to your ear and the audio is already routed back!
Overall, a 9/10 stars for me! The one star is just because the power switch and volume switch can be confusing at times. A rock solid product from Plantronics!
So for phones like the Yealink T38G that do not have a USB slot for the dongle, does the Yealink EHS36 work to connect it all up? I hate lifters.
@JaredBusch , Emily sent me an email one time with a link to the PDF of the compatibility chart. Let me see if I can find it.
FYI, I want to say it does. That's a guess at this point but I remember that model coming up in the past with this question. I'll see what I can find.
Well I realize now that the email was to an email I no longer have access to ( It was saved in there...However! I did find what you need. According to these guys, you need one of these. It works with your model (see, told ya I thought so!) and prevents the need of having to buy the HL-10. It says it's compatible with the Voyager CS.
The Voyager Legend CS != Voyager Legend UC. Don't confuse one as interchangeable for the other.
The UC is built for mobile and PCs/Macs. The CS is the deskphone and mobile unit (you actually can use it with the PC too). Again, don't mix 'em up, lest ye be very disappointed.