I'm building an XO Next-Release VM for anyone interested
Been there... done that. Checked out the new interface, but haven't tried an actual backup / restore.
Well I'd be posting some screenshots right now but imgur seems to be having issues.
OK now that Imgur is back
http://i.imgur.com/JP9g6By.pngSome things aren't filled in yet, and the Navigation bar to the left is collapsable as shown below.
I think these changes are good, would be awesome for a themes option
NICE! It's much cleaner looking!
Should be out sooooonnnnnnn!
Looks like they merged the 5.x changes into the next-release branch earlier today.
I'm pulling the changes down now.
I'm still reinstalling my XS7 install and moving stuff around. Will probably investigate the new goodies tonight.
XO-Server is now version 5.0
I am using it to import a VM right now, then I will update.
I love that XS7 supports the progress bar now.