Netflix Raising Prices But Adding Content
I've never had terrestrial TV, not since I left home. And I haven't had cable except for a small window from around 2000 - 2002 and only because of my roommates.
I guess I'm to impatient for watching the shows that are new, so I maintain my cable.
Once you stop watching the media, you don't even hear about new shows and there are always new shows appearing on Netflix at the same rate.
@scottalanmiller said:
Once you stop watching the media, you don't even hear about new shows and there are always new shows appearing on Netflix at the same rate.
Ohhh that's not true. My friends are constantly telling me about a new show they are watching.
on an unrelated note - Why doesn't HBO offer their HBO to GO to non cable subscribers (OK I know why, but still - the question needs to be asked). Like Netflix they could have an even larger following if they offered it outside of cable as well.
I think that they do. Just through other services. The market is saturated with services.
According to the way I read this's only available through your TV service provider, not direct.
That's what I'm saying. I think HBO provides through other channels. Not HBO Go.
(Man have I been busy, hi all!)
I would happily pay a bit more for Netflix if it kept fresh content for my rare binge-watching sessions. On a funny note HBO Go is similar to Netflix as far as signing in on remote devices; I actually borrowed my mothers login since I don't watch cable (streaming and Blu-Ray house).
@scottalanmiller I actually did drop Hulu for the ads recently.
We have Amazon Prime for its shipping and so get that service for "free" which is nice although their interface sucks.
At least you can "Pick" your ad preference hahaha.
Not when you watch from an embedded device.
@MattKing said:
At least you can "Pick" your ad preference hahaha.
I don't even know what this means?
@Dashrender said:
@MattKing said:
At least you can "Pick" your ad preference hahaha.
I don't even know what this means?
I assume that you don't use Hulu+
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@MattKing said:
At least you can "Pick" your ad preference hahaha.
I don't even know what this means?
I assume that you don't use Hulu+
You assume correctly, in this case
I don't see the point, I have cable, which comes with cable on demand for most of the primetime shows that I'd bother with Hulu+ for.. so it's an expense at this point I don't feel I need.. when I ditch cable.. I'll probably change my tune.
@Dashrender said:
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dashrender said:
@MattKing said:
At least you can "Pick" your ad preference hahaha.
I don't even know what this means?
I assume that you don't use Hulu+
You assume correctly, in this case
I don't see the point, I have cable, which comes with cable on demand for most of the primetime shows that I'd bother with Hulu+ for.. so it's an expense at this point I don't feel I need.. when I ditch cable.. I'll probably change my tune.
Hulu+ lets you choose one of three ads to watch. That's what Matt was referencing.
@scottalanmiller said:
Hulu+ lets you choose one of three ads to watch. That's what Matt was referencing.
Wait, I pay for their service AND I have to watch an ad? Fuck that. I was tempted to get sub for them recently. Now I am not.
Since my Android had Flash, I downloaded Dolphin browser so I could finish all the Stargate episodes on Amazon. Wasn't too bad, but definitely not as nice as watching Netflix. Started watching the Stargate episodes on Netflix but they lost them to Amazon!
I used to love watching the Voice and fast forwarding through American Idol just to see the performances. What I really really miss is So you think you can dance. I don't even know if its still on.
@JaredBusch said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Hulu+ lets you choose one of three ads to watch. That's what Matt was referencing.
Wait, I pay for their service AND I have to watch an ad? Fuck that. I was tempted to get sub for them recently. Now I am not.
Yup. Hulu+ is like cable. It's pretty crappy. Nothing compared to Netflix. Hulu+ costs more than Netflix too, even before showing the ads.
@Dashrender said:
According to the way I read this's only available through your TV service provider, not direct.
It's available through Amazon...