Solved Fell into a Grey Hole in Minecraft on iPad
I know that @art_of_shred and @Mike-Ralston play Minecraft.
If she was digging at the bottom of the world, she might have found a hole into the void.
It's very rare, lik e.0000001% chance of spawning unless she was using creative mode
If you dig enough you can fall out.. I've not played it much. But I remember trying to dig as far down as I could once. You hit bed rock and if you keep going you'll fall out of the game basically.
Or she could just still be in a hole that someone dug but has no light. In witch cause she can dig her way up making stairs or fly out if that's enabled.
She can see stars all around her in every direction. She does not appear to be "in" a hole in any sense but appears to have fallen out of the game. I knew that this could happen but was unaware that it was the total end of the game. It appears that that world is now scrapped as it saves automatically and has saved her as effectively "dead"?
You don't respawn where you die. You spawn at your spawn point. If she fell into the void in creative mode, just quit the game and fire it back up.
I suppose because she's not "dead" and just stuck, the game may start back up with her there... but I'm not thinking that's the case.
@art_of_shred said:
You don't respawn where you die. You spawn at your spawn point. If she fell into the void in creative mode, just quit the game and fire it back up.
Tried that, it keeps putting her back in the void every time we return to the game.
@scottalanmiller Try going into the options and changing the game mode to survival. I think being in the void will kill her and she should respawn on land.
It doesn't give me the option to change modes for an existing game. Liesl thought that it would too, but the option isn't there.
It is daytime in the game now and you can see that she is standing on the horizon, but the game is empty. It's very weird.
ok, here it is... hit "t" for text/console. /kill will kill her character and then she can respawn.
Is there a console for the PE version? How do you get to a keyboard on there?
Beats me. Not seeing anything in the wiki.
I hunted around and could not find anything.
yes there is a console on the iPad. icon is in the top right i believe. My daughters knows how to teleport to her friend in their creative game. all iPad..
Right there, top right.
Awesome, thanks. Right as I read this Luciana popped out to tell me that they had figured it out. Liesl's game world has been saved!