Woot! I got a new job today! Turned in my resignation! I will be an assistant systems administrator for the Federal Government. I will be working with the Federal Public Defenders office of the Eastern District of Missouri. This will position myself nicely so that when the kids are out of high school I have the availability to transfer if I want to. More money and less hours. I am on call right now 24/7 and that is not exaggerating and I am just tired of it.

Best posts made by PenguinWrangler
New Job
10GB backbone
I am just so excited. We are upgrading our network to a 10GB backbone. Using Unifi-48 port switches. Running fiber between all the switches. I am stoked!!! Just got approval today! Now if we could just convince them to use the Unifi APs over the Cisco......
RE: Quitting Vi
My daughter's first laptop that she got here recently was Korora 25. I then pointed her to this site https://vim-adventures.com/ and she learned VIM as a game. Her and I are going through a Python class together.
RE: History happening right now - live link
Did anyone catch the "DON'T PANIC" on the LCD screen on the Telsa Car that was in the Payload?
RE: Always Teach to the Future
My kids are amazed at the fact that I can just "figure out" stuff. I tell them that the most important thing they can learn is how to learn by yourself. You must develop logic skills, organization and reading skills. That will allow you to learn on your own and not be spoon fed. For tech people I think college is a waste of time.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@dustinb3403 I go months without looking at that site.
RE: Best Software to backup to NAS automatically with versions/purging support?
I misread what you wanted to do. I thought you wanted to backup the NAS. If you want to backup Windows machine to a NAS I would use Veeam Endpoint backup. It is free and easy to use.
RE: How Do Such Big Gaps Get Missed in IT Education
@scottalanmiller said in How Do Such Big Gaps Get Missed in IT Education:
It's like RAID, just as an example. One hour of learning "what RAID is, what parity is and what mirroring is" combined with a trivial amount of "these are the naming conventions" is all you need to basically know everything that there is to know about safety, speed, capacity, cost, etc. Yet it takes thousands of threads covering that topic and people get it ass backwards every day. You can Google it till the cows come home but without the baseline, it is really hard to know which information is right, relevant, up to date, or applicable for the given situation (e.g. RAID 5 is the devil!!! But only from 2009 on, and only with Winchester disks and SSDs are fine and... and.... )
If I see another question about RAID.......... you hold them down and I will pepper spray them.......
RE: supporting an office of computers with full drive encryption
We use Dell DDPE encryption solution. We can log into the server and tell the computer bypass the first Encryption Screen on next boot if the computer is in the office. So that is how we handle WOL scenarios.
RE: Internal-only "mail" solution
@dustinb3403 said in Internal-only "mail" solution:
Nothing can require someone to read a message at all.
Unless you're testing the person at the end of each question.
I get the point, but management is wanting to nail people to a wall. Read receipts do this.
Yes, it feels as though management wants an IT solution for an HR problem.
RE: Cockpit: just keeps gettin' better!!
Hopefully, they keep expanding the VM Management capabilities in Cockpit. If they get a fully functional WebUI for KVM into Cockpit, that would be awesome.
RE: Non-IT News Thread
@scottalanmiller I work in Downtown St. Louis, define not safe.
RE: Always Teach to the Future
@MattSpeller @dafyre I do have a degree. It is only so I can get an interview. Please don't take this as me being harsh either but there are other ways to learn IT and get skills other than a four year university. With the over inflated cost of a four year university I just don't see the value, don't even mention being a well rounded individual, I can become well rounded on my own and don't need that spoon fed to me either. I have used absolutely 0% of what was taught to me at school in my career in IT. Maybe the program I was in was absolute crap and has tainted my view, but this is just my opinion on going to a four year school for an IT career.
RE: The British Navy Runs on Windows XP
So would this then be "Windows for Warships"......
RE: Data centers and retrofitting
There is a building here in St. Louis that was retrofitted for a data center. I got to take a tour of it. I worked at the building as a summer intern back in the 90s so I knew about the building. The building has 4 floors but was designed originally so that it could have held 10 floors and the TV antenna tower for the NBC affiliate here in St. Louis. Before that it was owned by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and held heavy huge printing machines on the fourth floor, as an example of how stout the building was. So structurally this thing was a beast. They were able to add what they needed and really made it into something.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller Home ticketing system....wonder how well it would go over with the wife when she asks me to fix or do anything, and I reply have you submitted a ticket?
RE: Frog in the Boiling Water
WOW! This is exactly what has happened to me at my current employer. The working conditions slowly got worse over time and I didn't notice it. Finally I work up and I was like wow. I went from being occasionally called every once in a blue moon to being called every single weekend to help someone do something. I haven't had a weekend off since the weekend of my wedding in January, I can't remember before that how long it had been to have a weekend devoid of work calling me for some reason. Even then I had to put out three emails before my wedding saying I was unavailable that weekend. I am putting in long hours but I fall behind because they refuse to address key issues. So I have put my resume out.
RE: Facebook Believed to be Storing Unpublished Video Data
Does this honestly surprise anyone?
RE: Simple NethServer 7 ISO Installation
@alefattorini Oh I plan on it. I always like trying out new distros. Especially one that could be used in a small business environment.