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Posts made by jyates
RE: How can a split a number into unequal parts?
RE: Vultr $2.50 Instances Sold Out
@aaronstuder said in Vultr $2.50 Instances Sold Out:
For those of you still looking for ultra cheap VM's for testing:
I find it hard to trust anyone who claims to offer free Microsoft Windows Server.
RE: Goodbye 3DTV
@scottalanmiller said in Goodbye 3DTV:
@jyates said in Goodbye 3DTV:
The only good use of a 3DTV is split screen gaming. Not, that I've ever done it, but it looks cool.
Do any games support that?
Looks like only 6 games do. On the PS3. Maybe this was an abandoned feature.
RE: Goodbye 3DTV
The only good use of a 3DTV is split screen gaming. Not, that I've ever done it, but it looks cool.
RE: Looking forward for my First IT job
@jimmynelson said in Looking forward for my First IT job:
@jimmynelson my agency on holiday now I can't reach him now . Maybe I can send email to ask for duties
Is this one of those random emails you get from a recruiter, when you sign up on a job search site?
I would think an actual job offer would include a lot more information. -
RE: Recycling UPS Batteries
@DustinB3403 said in Recycling UPS Batteries:
It wasn't bad. Hitched a trailer and took it over. The recycling center is only 3 minutes away. Didn't even have to unload anything.
RE: Recycling UPS Batteries
@DustinB3403 said in Recycling UPS Batteries:
@jyates said in Recycling UPS Batteries:
Local metal recycling facility just gave us $80 for all our old batteries.
How many batteries and what size were these?
The sizes varied as they were from different units. The company had a pile of old ones, because they didn't know what to do with them. I think it was around 60.
RE: Recycling UPS Batteries
Local metal recycling facility just gave us $80 for all our old batteries.
RE: GPO applying when it shouldn't
If you have another GPO that is enforced, just try moving the printer GPO so it's applied after that one, or before if it is already after it.
Doesn't sound like it should be applying, but you can add a wmi filter to your printer policy, and have it exclude RDS servers. That's a bandaid solution though. If you come across a real solution, please update. I am very curious.
RE: GPO applying when it shouldn't
If the printer policy is enforced, it will override the blocked inheritance.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@art_of_shred said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
@RojoLoco said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Back in the office, still sick, tons to catch up on (including a production DB server that died while I was away - 2 simultaneous drive failures, yay!) Oh, and my truck won't start, so it's basically gearing up to be a shitty week.
Truck won't start? I had to look back up and make sure it was you and not @jyates posting. Sorry about the lousy situation.
If my truck has issues, I win something. So it's not that lousy of a situation. The truck isn't my only vehicle either. It's just my only manual vehicle.
RE: Wednesday - Dinosaur BBQ Lunch Plans
@DustinB3403 said in Wednesday - Dinosaur BBQ Lunch Plans:
Ok I'll call today and make a reservation for a table for 6.
Just 6? I can make it for lunch if you haven't called yet.
RE: how your IT department approach a request?
Here, we have worked out a default setup for each department. If the department head makes a request for a new machine, they are reminded what the default setup for their department is, and if they would like anything different, they need to specify it.
I'm also lucky. The execs here just demand everyone to place detailed request. If someone doesn't get what they wanted, they weren't specific enough.
RE: My luck is on fire... and my truck.
I look forwards to going. I am going to make point to always drive with a lottery ticket though.
My luck is on fire... and my truck.
A few weeks ago my truck broke. Radiator hose split. Not a big deal, but I had to pull over and couldn't finish my drive to work. That day I won a contest on Spiceworks for a MangoCon ticket, thanks to @ChrisL and Colocation America. Yesterday my truck broke again. Bolt for brake caliper broke and it pushed it into the rim. Later that day I won another contest for a trip to SpiceWorld.
I can't wait for my truck to break again.
RE: Media Player Box
Doesn't do 4k, but can meet most other requirements.
RE: Who here plays Pokemon Go?
@coliver said in Who here plays Pokemon Go?:
@RojoLoco said in Who here plays Pokemon Go?:
- Your opinions on how I should do things on my own property will never have any effect on how I actually do things.
You're free to do what you want on your property... but the public street next to your property is, by definition, not your property. I could understand shooting someone for entering but parking on a street? That makes no sense and in most places, except apparently Florida, Georgia, and Texas, would be very illegal.
If you are shooting someone in defense, it should only be if they pose an immediate threat to you. It shouldn't be "Oooh! someone's near something I own. Time to kill 'em!" That's not a defensive mentality.
If I'm lost, or having car troubles. I like dead end roads. They are low traffic and out of the way of the majority of people. Leaving more time to get your route set, fix your issue, or get a tow truck. Then people that live there are generally more observant of traffic, and if they see a car sitting there, they usually go speak to them, not shoot at them, to see what's going on.
RE: How do you get your boss to notice your work?
@aaron said in How do you get your boss to notice your work?:
@MikeSmithsBrain said in How do you get your boss to notice your work?:
@aaron that's a smart way to do it if your boss doesn't have a weekly one-on-one in the schedule (like @jyates said), which I believe they should.
I've never liked weekly one-on-ones and that isn't what @jyates said, he said regular meetings, he did not say weekly. It's a huge waste of time. If someone has a problem, bring it up. It's weird to wait until a weekly meeting to me. I also see my superiors and some colleagues more often on video chat than in person, so it's not a good use of their time when they are physically with me to just talk aimlessly.
Weekly seems kind of close, also doesn't have to be one on one. If it's important, notify immediately. Even if your boss isn't going to be involved. Send an email, "Hey stuff and things, so I'm doing this thing. Should be done with it in X."
My current system, my boss has me send weekly emails to keep him up to date. Doesn't have to be an in depth report, just basics. Then we have a department meeting once every month, where were order Chinese food. This is where we discuss what we have been doing, and future stuff we plan on doing. Sometimes the meetings do seem kind of pointless, but free food makes happy employees.
RE: How do you get your boss to notice your work?
Write errors to their event logs, and then go over, bring it up in front of them, then "fix it."
Unfortunately, sometimes the better you are at your job, the less anyone knows you've done anything. I would just try to have regular meetings with your boss, talk about what you've done since the last meeting, and upcoming projects you'd like to tackle.
RE: GPO on Desktop
You can change permissions for the "desktop" folder . I don't know of a GPO for it off hand, but here's a site that's rather helpful with policies.