@DustinB3403 said:
@JaredBusch Pissy attitudes online leads to pissy attitudes at work.
I never said anything more than it is bad decision making and a waste of time. Personal insults are uncalled for.
@DustinB3403 said:
@JaredBusch Pissy attitudes online leads to pissy attitudes at work.
I never said anything more than it is bad decision making and a waste of time. Personal insults are uncalled for.
@DustinB3403 said:
@JaredBusch Honestly Jared what the f[moderated] do you care what I do with my personal time?
Mind your own business.
Because bad IT at home leads to bad IT at work.
@scottalanmiller said:
I think that it is his person XenServer installation.
Even if this is true, that does not mean that time is free. Trying to shoehorn a larger disk into a smaller disk is never a good idea. Yes people try and do it all the time. Still does not make it a good idea.
To be fair it looks like it was only a $150 price increase. I checked my original purchase. from a few years ago. That was $793 per 2 sockets.
@aaron said:
class of server-location id-incrementing number
Cute names become counter productive with more than a handful.
I once named everything on a network after characters from The 5th Element.
Everything is named based on client - purpose - sequence
Example: ntgdc01
@thecreativeone91 said:
You really don't want extra applications running on Top of Domain Controllers.
I call BS on this. It is a waste of a VM to be DC only when you are a full windows shop. Running any kind of basic application on a DC hurts nothing and makes more efficient use of your licensing.
@thecreativeone91 said:
So It's basically TOR again.
Sometimes your responses just seem exceedingly simplistic.. It it not anything like TOR. Not any more than Pertino is like Hamachi.
@thecreativeone91 said:
Yes it is. It's not on your side it's on the providers side.
Then more specifically, your statement is not true in context of this conversation which is the end use not the SIP provider. No one in this conversation is a SIP trunk provider, so that statement means dick.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I was expecting some freebies today after yesterday's issues..
Expecting? Piss off on that bit of entitled attitude.
You obviously do not like the company, so quit using it and stay out of the threads discussing it.