Make keyword research for own blog

Ivan Palii
@Ivan Palii
Marketer. Analyst. Strategist.
Best posts made by Ivan Palii
Using Bing for growing organic and paid search traffic
Hi, there. I make a short research about using Google and Bing in SEO and PPC - And I really was surprised that Bing has 21,6% of desktop search in US. I thought it has less market share.
Can you share your experience about using Bing Ads and ranking in Bing Search? What axioms do you find for that.
Latest posts made by Ivan Palii
RE: Generating content ideas for topics, posts, articles
Thanks, @jmoore for your experience. Checking you blog., I've found that a floating header is a very huge. I guess you might short it. It helps users to catch more information by eyes during the reading.
Thanks also for your content idea generation experience. I guess some abstractive ideas are better generated when we are walking, drink a coffee etc. But content for some specific theme is better generated by tools. Am i right?
Generating content ideas for topics, posts, articles
Sharing own minds about correct process of content idea generation. I guess only a 20% of marketers, bloggers have a large-scale content marketing strategy for the website. What about you? How do you develop own strategy?
RE: New web site
Design looks good. But pay attention to the errors, that Sitechecker founds on the website. No description, 2 H1 tags, http and https protocls work apart etc.
RE: Popular YouTube Tags, Topics in 2013-2016 and Future of TV
@penguinwrangler Thanks for experience. What about bad and unqualitive content? There are still a lot of such videos and kids, even teens can watch something horrible for the psyche. Do you use any filters to avoid it?
RE: Popular YouTube Tags, Topics in 2013-2016 and Future of TV
@dashrender The number of qualitive content from different all possible categories grow on YouTube exponantionally. I also view videos in prime time. Because there a lot of really useful content (includes interviews and courses from Stanford, MIT etc.)
The key point that YouTube has the best algorithm to find what you need. TV doesn't give such result. -
Popular YouTube Tags, Topics in 2013-2016 and Future of TV
Hi, there to marketers and enterpreuners. I research the YouTube stats through 2013-2016 years by different parameters and create a short guide here - The main goal was to find the most popular tags and niches. The main conclusions are follow.
- YouTube will beat TV format in the near future.
- Most of people use YouTube now as people used TV in the past (they watch videos at home, in a prime time)
- All YouTube users are as viewers such competitors, because everybody can set an own channel.
So, what do you think about the future? Will human attention the real currency? I guess that humanity are going to this.
RE: Difference between video and channel YouTube keywords
@bigbear You are right. The number of qualitive content goes down. But principles of evolution work everywhere. In a long distance fast and non qualitive content will be beated by users who can keep a long distance with a great quality.
RE: Difference between video and channel YouTube keywords
@bigbear Ahahah)) I understand you very well. But SEO works too. Using viral effect and laws of biology, ethology are necessary. But SEO are still important. Especially for beginners in youtube promotion, isn't it?
RE: Difference between video and channel YouTube keywords
@scottalanmiller So, only intuition and experience, right? I guess the the scale of channel has a big influence. When channel become famous, your channel keywords become to have a good weight for SEO.