@Obsolesce Good point. Never really thought of it that way.

Posts made by G I Jones
RE: Spiceworks Custom CSS HelpDesk Theme
RE: Spiceworks Custom CSS HelpDesk Theme
@Obsolesce Please elaborate. What was it that turned you away?
Spiceworks Custom CSS HelpDesk Theme
Anyone here using Spiceworks played with the CSSpice plugin?
I spent most of my day Friday messing around with the look of the Heldesk Web Portal. (not the user portal)
I would love to see some themes any of you cooked up.
Here's mine, I went with Orange but not overpowering. Has anyone figured out a way to change icons? I know it involves a Sprite sheet...
/*Navigation Bar*/ .domestic-nav { background-color: #b6c5d3; } /*fix Settings, Help wrapper sizes*/ .secondary-menus .domestic-menus_entry { height: 45px; } /*Update version text color & Alignment*/ #spiceworks-version { padding-bottom: 10px; } #spiceworks-version #upgrade-version { color: #333; padding-right: 20px; } #spiceworks-version { padding-bottom: 10px; } /*Tiny nav seperator thing left side*/ .domestic-apps-menu::after { border-right-color: #777; } /*Tine nav seperator thing right side*/ .secondary-menus .domestic-menus_entry + .domestic-menus_entry::before { border-left-color: #777; } /*Navigation Bar: Settings, Help.*/ .secondary-menus .domestic-menus_entry { background-color: #b6c5d3; } /*Navigation Bar Hovering Color*/ .domestic-menus_entry > a:hover { color: #fff; } /*Navigation Border bottom color*/ .domestic-menus_entry.active > a { border-bottom-color: #f96132; } body { background-color:#eee; } .title { color: #fff; } .sui-opt-in h4 { color: #f96132; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-pane-content { background-color: #fff; color: #fff; } .sui-body { background-color: #b6c5d3; } .sui-opt-in.page-header h1 { color: #f96132; } .sui-opt-in.page-header h1 small .sui-dropdown-toggle { color: #fff; } .sui-opt-in.page-header h1 .sui-dropdown .caret { border-top: 4px solid #fff; } /*Highlighted tickets*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-grid .table-body .ticket-table-wrapper tr.selected { background-color: #f00; border-left-color: #f96132; background: rgb(2,0,36); background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(249,97,50,1) 0%, rgba(194,76,40,1) 100%); } /*Little scroll thing on left side with ticket number on it*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-id { background-color: #f96132; background-image: none; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-id::after { background-image: none; } /* tickets page number*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-grid .table-body .table-footer .pager-container .pagination a.active { background-color: #f96132; } /*left side ticket highlight thing*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-grid .table-body .ticket-table-wrapper tr:hover { border-left: 2px solid #f96132; } /*New ticket and refresh ticket buttons*/ .sui-bttn-group .sui-bttn:last-child, .sui-bttn-group .guest-user-navmenu a.join-button span:last-child, .guest-user-navmenu a.join-button .sui-bttn-group span:last-child { height: 18px; background-image: none; background-repeat: none; border-radius: 2px; border: none; background-color: #fff; color: #f96132 !important; } /*Ticket response comments text color*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-pane-content { color: #333; } .sui-bttn-group .sui-bttn:hover { background-color: #f96132; color: #fff !important; } /*"No tickets available" background & text*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-pane-content { background-color: #b6c5d3; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-pane-content .ticket-empty-message h2 { color: #fff; } .info-ticket-description { color: #000; } #sidebar { background-color: #fff; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-header { background-color: #fff; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-grid .table-body .table-footer { background-color: #eee; background-image: none; } /*Priority, Assignee, Due Date etc. Bar*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-ribbon { background-color: #eee; box-shadow: none; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc; } /*timestamp*/ .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .ticket-ribbon .span2 span.rel-timestamp { color: #333; } .sui-opt-in .helpdesk-app .ticket-pane .tab-sections { background-color: #fff; } /*Copyright Footer*/ #footer p { margin: 0; text-align: left; color: #fff; }
RE: 16TB spinning rust is here
@scottalanmiller what's the general consensus here? Do we not buy Seagate because they fail more? Genuinely curious.
RE: System Image Disappearing/Reappearing
The only thing I can think of, which is most likely not correct, is that Windows reads the WindowsImageBackup folder alphabetically. That is to say since LABS comes before LENOVOLAP alphabetically, it hits the Windows 10 image in LENOVOLAP and then says "nope, everything else after this is null" and then doesn't even get to STAFF? I dunno man, it's weird.
RE: System Image Disappearing/Reappearing
@DustinB3403 Backup and Restore>Create a System Image/Create a Repair Disk
System Image Disappearing/Reappearing
I have an External HDD I use to capture and deploy system images for different computer builds throughout our facility.
One image I have is called STAFF. It's a Windows 7 (I know, we're working on it) image set up for GPT/UEFI build.
Anyhow, I recently added one more image for a Lenovo Laptop (Win 10). Let's call it LENOVOLAP. Not entirely sure of the boot config, but assume GPT/EUFI.
After I did this, the only image that would show while trying a new build from the repair disk associated with that STAFF image was another image that was setup with BIOS/MBR boot config, let's call that one LABS. I ended up deleting the new LENOVOLAP from the external and bam, the STAFF image showed again.
What causes this?
New equipment and how people lose their minds.
Allow me to preface this post as lighthearted.
So we recently installed new xerox copy machines. They don't operate any different than the previous one's but these are newer so they have this fancy touch screen that folds out. Mind you I'm still going around the buildings with the Xerox tech making sure everything is as it should be for him to finish these installs. Get a call one of the printers doesn't work. User states "it's just blinking a red light and won't copy" When I get there, the printer is just out of paper for the tray he had selected. Like... C'mon, you don't know how to react to a screen that clearly says "Tray 4 out of paper"? This isn't the first time something like this has happened where we've updated something and everyone suddenly doesn't know how anything works when in reality it's still the same.
Is there a term for this phenomenon?
Do you have any funny stories that relate?
Hoping for a good laugh on this rainy Monday morning.
RE: KVM USB Wake Issues
@IRJ I know right. The powers that be on the gov network said they won't allow it.
RE: KVM USB Wake Issues
@scottalanmiller we don't use ConnectPro, we use Trendnet TK-214i's. I only mentioned ConnectPro because as I understand, they pretty much run the DDM game. Forget I asked though because after some product reviews, and a look at the price tags, it wasn't going to happen even in the worse case scenario.
I figured out that the CAC reader keyboards were present in every case so I've done away with those for the people affected most frequently by it. So far so good, but time will tell.
KVM USB Wake Issues
I'm having some issues with many of our KVM's not waking machines up. A full reset of the KVM is necessary to rectify the situation.
I've tried Uninstalling/reinstalling USB drivers, adjusting the settings for USB sleep and the like in Power settings, but no success.
One of the computers is not allowed to have the sleep settings adjusted because of security stuff, so that's not an option.
I've read about the issue being linked to our KVM's being emulated instead of Dynamic Device Mapping?
Is anyone out there using ConnectPro KVM's? With the presence of DDM, do they truly not have this issue?
With the issue being re-enumeration of USB ports, I'm wondering if anyone out there has written a computer wake re-enumeration script or anything fancy to deal with this issue. Please if anyone knows of such a thing or a possible workaround let me know. Going to play around in Windows Task Scheduler for a bit and see if anything is possible that way...
Windows 10 vs Windows 7
So since I've been in the IT field I've encountered mix opinions of both Windows 10 and Windows 7. I know people who swear Windows 7 is better than Windows 10, and visa versa. And even recently have seen jokes about Windows 10 being the worst.
Well, our organization recently started moving to Windows 10 six months ago (super late I know) and I'm natively an Apple whore so Windows 10 was new to me as an operating system. Now that I have Windows 10 at my desk, I'm not too sure what all the fuss is about. I really like the GUI and I've not encountered anything that hinders me from doing day to day IT stuff (then again I'm not doing anything too advanced) What's your logic on why one is better than the other? Anybody still running Windows 7 by choice?
RE: DHCP Logic
@pete-s said in DHCP Logic:
@g-i-jones said in DHCP Logic:
From what I found it's a common phrase in the UK that means "and there you have it"
Yeah, there you have it.
Honestly going to start saying this every chance I get and see how many people I can confuse.
RE: DHCP Logic
@obsolesce said in DHCP Logic:
@g-i-jones said in DHCP Logic:
@dustinb3403 said in DHCP Logic:
@pete-s "Bob's your uncle". . . Huh?
Currently googling what this means.
I did that too, I've never heard that before:
From what I found it's a common phrase in the UK that means "and there you have it"
RE: DHCP Logic
@dustinb3403 said in DHCP Logic:
@pete-s "Bob's your uncle". . . Huh?
Currently googling what this means.