Studying for my Networking + certificate with flash cards I made from the lessons. About 5/22 lessons through, with 139 flash cards made so far. Also drawing Fiber Optic connector types in Adobe Illustrator, and adding them to my desktop wallpaper so I have to see them constantly. Anything helps. Shooting for 8 weeks from now for the test.

Best posts made by G I Jones
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
RE: Remote Desktop Connection Prerequisites
@pete-s Services>Remote Desktop Services>Properties>Startup Type was set to Manual on all the servers. ::man_facepalming_medium_skin_tone:
Haven't tested it yet, but if I had to guess, that'd be the issue. Thanks!
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hey all, I was referred here from a user on another forum. A Lively bunch over here, I'll tell ya. Love it.
I'm a new IT professional who's gotta whole lot of learning to do, and all the ambition to do it.
Haven't been to school for IT specific studies yet, but am set up to start next semester. In the meantime, learning all I can from this and other forums in conjunction with a couple tasks I've volunteered to lead. If you see the chance to learns me, then learns me, dammit. I need it.
Cheers to all.
RE: HP Z440’s Bricked Hard
@travisdh1 Just confirmed with HP tech support that you do indeed need RAID drivers that don't typically exist on a base Win10 install disk. They are having me download a bootable they sent me.
RE: ESXi 6.7 Troubleshooting
@pmoncho, @NetworkNerd, @travisdh1, @Dashrender, @DustinB3403, @marcinozga - Thanks for your help. After reading an article on it or two and talking with Dell, We're ditching the H330. Boss just ordered the H730P.
RE: ESXi 6.7 Troubleshooting
After re-configuring the Server setup to run ESXi via USB internal (for now) and completely CLEARING each drive (because I installed ESXi on the RAID 5 array initially and if you do that, it ruins everything and your drives disappear), I re-allocated the drives to RAID 5, and re-installed ESXi DELL OEM 6.7 Update 2 to the USB on host. I was able to build the Guest and everything worked fine except Network Shares. I was back at square one on that front. Turns out it was a bad switch (Netgear 8 port) the host was plugged in to.
RE: Event 4776 - Audit Failure from DC + Account Lockout
Figured it out. Both DC's had inconsistencies between configurations and they basically weren't replicating or failing to serve DNS requests because the Interfaces were all over the place.
I used this opportunity to take a crash course on Configuring DNS to understand all of the settings, and I was able to fix it by thoroughly sweeping the settings and correcting as I went.
I've never seen the Security log so empty before. It's a great feeling. Also, I learned a bit about DNS so win-win.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
New AD/DC built. Took 3.5 hours to write owner permissions to the NAS. Today I tackle adding the rest of 200+ computers to the network, and if I get time... start rebuilding Group Policy.
RE: How Do Such Big Gaps Get Missed in IT Education
Thanks for clearing that up guys. I'm with you now.
RE: Windows restore from system image (Windows 7 Professional)
@emad-r Yeah, I learned that there isn't any specific software he needs, so I'm just going to literally copy his user folder and maybe the Pictures, Documents, and Music folders onto a thumb drive, give him a newer tower with a fresh 7 install and just drag and drop that over. Was still nice getting all these avenues of approach.
Latest posts made by G I Jones
RE: Event 4776 - Audit Failure from DC + Account Lockout
Figured it out. Both DC's had inconsistencies between configurations and they basically weren't replicating or failing to serve DNS requests because the Interfaces were all over the place.
I used this opportunity to take a crash course on Configuring DNS to understand all of the settings, and I was able to fix it by thoroughly sweeping the settings and correcting as I went.
I've never seen the Security log so empty before. It's a great feeling. Also, I learned a bit about DNS so win-win.
RE: GPO to create scheduled task to run netlogon batch script
Did you ever figure this out?
Event 4776 - Audit Failure from DC + Account Lockout
The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account.
Logon Account: gijones
Source Workstation: DC1
Error Code: 0xC000006A
I recently opted to put Account lockout Policies in place as I'm learning more about the Security side of things having just passed my MTA Security. Instantly getting account lockouts on my account.
We never used elevation for admin privs, but we since stopped being idiots. I bring this up because we probably set up a lot of things with our older credentials, and the littlest bit of research tells me this is a mapped drive, a service, or a scheduled task that's trying to authenticate using incorrect credentials.
Things I've checked/additional info:
netlogon.log for accuracy and understanding. [LOGON] [716] DOMAIN: SamLogon: Network logon of (null)\gijones from DC1 Returns 0xC000006A (this code just means the user name is correct but the password is wrong)
- Every Service on the DC was checked for the Log On credentials.
- Every server in the domain was checked for any scheduled task, or process that could be running with my credentials.
- I've deleted any user folder that was mine that existed on any server, in addition to removing the profile altogether with Regedit.
- I've checked all servers for mapped drives, as well as any computer I can think of that I would have mapped to the DC.
We do use a VPN, and I have tunneled in from home previously, but I've double checked the service wasn't running on my home machine.
I've hit a point where I don't know where else to look. Now, I could just make a new username easy peasy and be done with it, but not knowing is driving me crazy. Any additional ideas on places to look or next steps? I'm tinkering around with Wireshark, so maybe if it's a mapped drive I could find it that way. Just gotta figure out these filters...
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Among Trees - Got it yesterday and was able to play for about an hour. I'm a huge fan of survival games. Although an hour only got a toe into the game, it's really quite fun so far. Available in the Epic Games store. I had a $10 off coupon so I ended up paying only $9 for it. It's also Pre-Alpha, so I'm looking forward to future updates.
Also downloaded The Forest on PS4 after I had been playing Stranded Deep for about a week. Trying to persuade some of my friends to play it with me, because that just seems like more fun to me.
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Man all y'all are lucky. I work at a college, lol. They making faculty staff and students do remote learning!
I really hoping to be at home soon. I have shit to do. Baseboards and doors need painted, cabinets need stained, I have 5 weeks until I take the Networking + test. I could really just use the extra time home in general.
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Playstation had a sale in the store and I was able to buy Tomb Raider Definitive Edition (better than Shadow of the Tomb Raider somehow), Rise of the Tomb Raider, HUE, Dead Island, Dead Island Riptide, and Dead Island Retro Revenge (not a great game) for around $30!
It's only a matter of time before they send us all home for a while, so I got some mostly good games to play.
RE: Subnetting help
@Dashrender Ah, so in the future I need to pay more attention to the /26 part (which they did not notate here), but would have been implied had I known what I was doing prior to reading it.
Subnetting help
I wasn't getting what I needed from my lesson and turned to google to grasp a better understanding of Subnetting. I'm reading this article :
About halfway down the page under Subnetting it explains that "The subnet mask gives you four networks of 62 hosts each. This works because in binary notation, is the same as 1111111.11111111.1111111.11000000. The first two digits of the last octet become network addresses, so you get the additional networks 00000000 (0), 01000000 (64), 10000000 (128) and 11000000 (192)....Using a subnet mask of, your network then becomes the four networks,, and These four networks would have as valid host addresses:, again, that binary host addresses with all ones or all zeros are invalid, so you cannot use addresses with the last octet of 0, 63, 64, 127, 128, 191, 192, or 255."
What I don't understand is why they are excluding 63, 127, and 191? I've converted those to binary and they aren't all 1's or 0's
191=10111111In fact, 64, 128, and 192 aren't all 1's or 0's either, are they incorrectly explaining leaving room for a switch or DC or is there another reason to exclude those numbers?
Edit: my binary conversions needed work, but I fixed that
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
Studying for my Networking + certificate with flash cards I made from the lessons. About 5/22 lessons through, with 139 flash cards made so far. Also drawing Fiber Optic connector types in Adobe Illustrator, and adding them to my desktop wallpaper so I have to see them constantly. Anything helps. Shooting for 8 weeks from now for the test.