
Posts made by FrostyPhoenix
Favorite Linux Distro
Sound off...
Favorite Linux distro? Mine? Linux Mint...
if only Skype allowed multi-video stream conferencing on LinuxAnd...go!
RE: What did you have for lunch or dinner today?
a 75 cent coffee from the corner bodega. You can take me out of NYC, can never take NYC out of me.
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@JaredBusch said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
For some reason there are only now 2 DosEquis left in the fridge.
I'm a Stella Artois man myself
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
It's beer time.
Pair that with a sub, and I'm in!
RE: Add Active Directory User to Group using PowerShell
@scottalanmiller said in Add Active Directory User to Group using PowerShell:
When we work strictly from Windows Server Core installations we need to be able to do everything from the command line, even user management. Let's add a user that already exists into a group that already exists in Active Directory using only PowerShell.
To do this we have the handy Add-ADGroupMember PowerShell commandlet. This is very easy to use in its basic form, all we need is the name of the group and of the user that we want to add. In this case, I want to add user jane to the group "Domain Admins".
Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" jane
That's it, jane is added automatically. This process, like most, is silent on success. To verify that all is as we want it to be, we can use the Get-ADGroupMember command to look up the members of a group.
Get-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins"
Can also do
Add-ADGroupMember -identity "Domain Admins" -members "jane" -WhatIf
to see if it gets added before actually running the command. -
RE: What are your sales email no-nos?
@nadnerB Cyanide and Happiness is one of my fave comics!
RE: Starting own IT consultancy - Gathering list of tools required and recommendations
My own MSP lasted like three months. Honestly, I didn't market hard enough to get anough billable clients to completely supplant my 9-5 salary.
But...lesson learned.
My tools I used were LogMeIn for remote access. The remote client was great to help folks from my iPhone/laptop. For ticketing, I used an excel sheet. Ghetto, I know.
For invoicing and proposals, I used Google Docs.
Ghetto. I know. -
RE: Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab
@JaredBusch said in Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab:
@scottalanmiller said in Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab:
@RamblingBiped said in Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab:
Out of curiosity, and to help derail this thread just a little bit more... @scottalanmiller / @Minion-Queen and @JaredBusch , how do you setup your remote employees? Do you provide them with systems to work from and/or furnish a stipend for internet access? Or do you just build that into their salary to simplify things from your end?
I'm honestly pretty surprised how few want a company setup. If I was a normal work from homer with normal desktop needs, like I used to be, I loved having a fully supported "just plug and go" company desktop and desk phone. So perfect for setting up your home office.
Our company setup is an i7 desktop with 16GB of RAM and an SSD of some size. So if anyone wants to serious game with it, all you need is a dedicated video card added in. But most generation old games will run on any modern hardware.
I like the idea of separation of work/personal so I always asked for a work laptop.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@scottalanmiller said in If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!:
And welcome to @mazterjedi that I just realized is here now!
Welcome!! Coconut macaroons are on the counter to the left.
RE: Weekend Plans
@scottalanmiller said in Weekend Plans:
@FrostyPhoenix said in Weekend Plans:
Icing my knee, letting my two year old jump all over me, supervising a dishwasher installation. Fun.
How is the ride going? How long till you get home?
took about 7.5 hours for bus ride, and then another 1.5 hours to navigate NYC subways/cabs.
Got plenty of sleep on the ride down so started to clean the house when I got home -
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
@scottalanmiller said in What Are You Doing Right Now:
Getting my new laptop all set up. This thing is glorious.
Asus for the win! I have had mine for over 3 years...never crapped on me once. Converted me from being a Mac fanboy.
RE: Would You Hire Someone in IT Who Does Not Have a Home Lab
For when folks say it can't be done...
RE: Weekend Plans
Icing my knee, letting my two year old jump all over me, supervising a dishwasher installation. Fun.
RE: Put your Bio here
@scottalanmiller said in Put your Bio here:
@JaredBusch said in Put your Bio here:
@gjacobse make your own thread........
In the Bio group!
Hey can you send me your contact number? Abraham and I tryna reach you regarding tomorrow....
RE: What did you have for lunch or dinner today?
@scottalanmiller said in What did you have for lunch or dinner today?:
The wife made me veggie burgers for lunch.
Wife made me chicken noodle soup.
So good.