@dafyre said in Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play:
I have Steam Keys available for Elder Scrolls Morrowind
and Dark Eye: Memoria if anybody wants them.
I've been playing a lot of Morrowind multiplayer recently (TES3MP)
@dafyre said in Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play:
I have Steam Keys available for Elder Scrolls Morrowind
and Dark Eye: Memoria if anybody wants them.
I've been playing a lot of Morrowind multiplayer recently (TES3MP)
Oh, I just noticed that it looks like the client is rethrowing an error that the server giving. In which case Process Monitor will only help you if you run it on the server.
@WrCombs you could try repairing .Net, there's a .Net repair tool out there. What version of .Net does this application require? And is this computer fully patched with updates?
You could also fire up Process Monitor and see what the program is specially looking for. It's probably checking the GAC and other locations for something.
Testing of it works on a new Windows User account is always worth a try on weird issues.
What I'm seeing is that the difference is when accessing the website via https vs http
When accessing via HTTPS it is making a get request like:
Which must end up not being valid parameters because it returns the default template in https://surgefactory.org/surgefactory/cv/cv.php
Which includes an instanceid in the parameters. Add the instanceid to the first GET request and you get the same.
So for some reason the instanceid isn't added in the request when accessing the page with HTTPS
@jimmy9008 M365 is what covers the licencing, so Compute is your biggest cost, and it's just like compute for any Azure VM. Use Reserved instanced if you will have some VMs on throughout a 24 hour period. Use burstable VMs if a VM will be kept on continuously and doesn't need a ton of power. Or just turn the VMs off (deallocate) when not in use. At my last company, we found turning VMs off to be the most effective with the personal VM route. If using host pool, you would only keep enough VMs online to meet demand.
@jaredbusch one important migration is all it takes. The only way to have done it without downtime would have been to go from Akamai to another CDN then back to Akamai. We opted not to do the back to Akamai part.
You can't migrate between Akamai resellers without downtime. That's why we're no longer using Akamai.
@jaredbusch said in Need audio cable help:
I think What I need is two cables.
The standard 1/4 mono to 3/8 mini stereo as you both (and myself) found previously.
And then plug it in to the mic jack of this.
I would think that would work. When you have a separate mic input like we used to have, you could plug in headphones and use them as a mic. It's these new all input and output in one input jacks that are causing an issue, and I really don't know if you can find an input only one for phones these days.
@dashrender they reason they had to take it down was because they were basically freely giving out information that they and other companies have to pay for.
GitLab used to have a calculator public to see how much you would get paid, but they had to take it down due to external pressures.
@dashrender it's all about the pipeline. It's recruitment that sources people, and they are not candidates until they are in the pipeline. They can advertise for jobs in certain areas but still say they hire the best candidate because they were only trying to source people in certain areas. Not that I know GitLab does that, but that's the strategy for increasing diversity without discrimination. Once they're in the pipeline, probably the people making the hiring call aren't involved in cost decisions. Though they're likely be able to figure out the salary based on location + role + level.
If you want information specifically about GitLab's process, let me know and I can find out.
@krzykat around here everyone's using the same bands, so not really an issue, just hook it up, point in the general direction of a tower and it's good to go. Your experience may vary.
For a client I would go with Wilson/weBoost, but for my house the following was good for 900sqft, but I wouldn't use it for larger than that.
I got a 20% raise and I'm pretty sure I could get a lot more in this job market.
Wow, sounds like they didn't think that through.
@black3dynamite said in Active Directory Domain name:
@flaxking said in Active Directory Domain name:
One thing to note with ad.domainname.com is that in some places it will just display your domain as 'AD'
Which could be a vanity problem in some casesI'm curious if you ever seen a set up that reuses the same domainname as subdomain for AD like so, domainname.domainname.com?
Not exactly, I had had a discussion about using companyinitialsdomain.companyname.com, but in the end we purchased a new domain name for the AD domain.
One thing to note with ad.domainname.com is that in some places it will just display your domain as 'AD'
Which could be a vanity problem in some cases
@flaxking said in Working Unifi UNVR NGINX Config:
@flaxking said in Working Unifi UNVR NGINX Config:
RTSP... I believe you need Nginx Plus you're wanting to do something other than HTTP
Assuming RTSP isn't required, I'm guessing you need to enable the video connection for webrtc, which I think is just a one liner in nginx
This maybe?
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
@flaxking said in Working Unifi UNVR NGINX Config:
RTSP... I believe you need Nginx Plus you're wanting to do something other than HTTP
Assuming RTSP isn't required, I'm guessing you need to enable the video connection for webrtc, which I think is just a one liner in nginx