10 Last night, being as it's a free upgrade which also asked for a product key. Which is why it's likely that the downloader Microsoft has is providing the Retail Installer
Posts made by DustinB3403
RE: Tiled Linux Distros
RE: Tiled Linux Distros
It is stored in BIOS but I can't find the field as is its a hidden record using a special chip designed by microsoft for just this purpose.
Using a retail ISO or CD will never pull the BIOS OEM key.
RE: Tiled Linux Distros
I'm downloading an ISO now for Windows 8.1 and will try again when I get home this afternoon. But last night it asked for a product key, which sucks.
Of course she has no recovery media of her own.
RE: Tiled Linux Distros
Yeah she said she liked Ubuntu design compared to a few others I showed her so I installed that. But if she really wants Windows 8 then I'll see what I can do, but the Make your own Media from Windows still requires a product key, it doesn't pull it in from BIOS.
RE: Tiled Linux Distros
I took a look around for the windows 8 ISO and couldn't find it. I'll take a look again, unless of course you have the link right there in front of you.
And Linux would probably be a lot better for what she uses the device for, Web surfing exclusively.
Tiled Linux Distros
As much as I disdain Windows 8, I have a niece who loves it.
Well she destroyed her windows partition, and oddly the system doesn't have a recovery partition built in. Anyhoo are there any linux distro's that mimic the Windows 8 theme that anyone is aware of?
RE: Frugal advice on a obtaining legit copy of Win 7 for a VM I'm adding.
So then whoever made the comment about purchasing old NSA equipment and taking that key is outside of bounds in Microsoft's Eyes...
Just sayin'
RE: Frugal advice on a obtaining legit copy of Win 7 for a VM I'm adding.
I thought it was against the terms of service to strip a product key off of an already assembled computer to re-purpose it as a VM..
Maybe I was wrong with that but I'm almost certain I read that on an OEM Agreement for Windows 7.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
Well I didn't say they had it, I just wouldn't say they "don't have a T3 support number"
If I did then I'd be lying.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
@scottalanmiller .. Only if they had a Direct Dial to T3 support. Which they might if they are a partner of ESXi. But I don't have an answer to this.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
Licensing priced for an enterprise is comparable to buying a car, you may have $200,000 to drop, but the next guy just wants 4 wheels and a steering wheel.
Why should I (we) pay more for a solution just because others are? Especially when there are other options for free.
Yes.. yes I know they are both bare-metail hypervisors.
If we went with either paid solution (we not the MSP) would be more than likely to have to reach either support department* for help, unless its of a critical function at which point the MSP would come in to help.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
Easy support as in (Our current MSP already uses this, therefore we don't have to look for support should we need it)
The enterprises item is specifically a negative as much larger companies (from all information I could find) with the aforementioned ones you put up are paying for ESXi functionality and licensing.
ESXi Essentials licensing allows you to use more than the maximum hardware of 1 CPU. Otherwise it's practically worthless without licensing but to run a few VM that can fit on a single CPU.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
So with some verbiage I stole from Scott here's my list of primary reasons to not use ESXi. (Ignore the bullets it reads better on my screen)
Citrix XenServer Facts (Advantages really…)
• We already knows it. (It’s already in use for Day-to-Day )
• It is incredibly easy to use.
• It is very performant and this has been shown.
o VM’s used by Interactive over a 3-5 day span producing sellable work only a few days after EagleXen was built and VM’s configured.
• Zero cost for everything, totally zero licensing if Citrix support isn’t required.
o Licensing is per Socket CPU and is perpetual (if needed)
o No critical functionality is lost if support is cancelled
• Full Paravirtualization Options for Linux workloads.
• Updates are also free forever, regardless of a support contract.
o Updating is also extremely easy with Free Tools (already configured)
• No overhead cost for license management.
• No salesman providing guidance. Built to suite our needs
• VM Backups are completely free and schedulable.
o Already configured and performed weekly on hardware we had in house*
• Far greater feature set than any possible VMware option.
o HA is free
o XenMotion is free
o XenMotion Storage is also free*
o Many more free features
• No scale limitations (within reason)
• Local support available (in Rochester)*
o Unlimited free forums support
o Paid options available with licensing through Citrix
• Minimal technical debt incurred.
o Hardware cost for required needsESXi vSphere Essentials Facts
• Publicly and extremely common Hypervisor
o Easily supported between different MSP’s as it’s “common”
o Designed for Enterprise businesses not SMB’s
o Licensing is priced for Enterprises not SMB’s
• Licensing Cost
o Maintenance is required to receive system updates
o Essentials allows use of appropriate hardware only
o Without a Plus plan or higher VMWare offers no support*
Essentials is a bare metal hypervisor that simply allows us to use our chosen hardware
o MSP’s / In-House IT must troubleshoot all issues
• Internal IT must learn ESXi vSphere Essentials management
o Troubleshooting procedures
o Backup systems
o Restoration steps
o Updating steps
• Requires 3rd party VM Backup Solution (Veeam / Unitrends.. etc.) -
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
I can only assumed that they sold us the licensing for it, as they are pretty good with keeping microsoft at bay (I've never heard of any licensing issues with regards to that)
But the implementation is just ass backwards. Export the DC02 functions if you must (build a new VM really) and perform a clean install is how it should've been done.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
Nope. . . Hyper-V was installed directly into the existing DC02, and VM's setup while the system was functioning.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
I was asked to make a compelling case.
That to me means I should care.
But to what level. . .
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
The server was/is our acting 2nd on site DC, we have 4 in total.
The board is maxed out with memory. I'm not positive how the conversation went when the idea came up to do this but I have a feeling it went like " We need X,Y,Z and need to spend a little as possible"
The result was something that runs horribly. Oh our On-Site Exchange is hosted on this same host, works "fair" for what it does but seems like its over scaled. And is still sluggish in basic operations.
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
That Vm that is CPU intensive is constantly being asked to generate rather large database reports sequentially upwards of 12-30 at a time.
Having only 4 CPU's it can only run 4 jobs, to top it off it nearly maxes out is memory usage during these period so performance tanks even more
RE: XenServer vs ESXi
The trouble as far as I can tell with the Hyper-V setup is that our MSP sold it just to sell it, rather than "Oh hey spend X and build a proper Hypervisor, we'll just use your secondary DC to run these machines"
Which "OK" it works but one of these VM's runs a CPU intensive process, and in only able to use 4CPU's because of the limitations of the host hardware.
If I moved this to "my" (and I use my liberally) XenServer I could allocate 12 cores to it, and 32GB of memory (if we bought more to add into the host) and the team that uses it would never have a complaint.
Its the poor proposals after another that are getting to me. It's just not my place to start looking for another MSP... even though I've considered it.