I wanted a way to keep microSIP updated to the latest version automatically.
I wrote this script and have a couple of questions.
# Create a WebClient object
$webClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
# URL for the MicroSIP download page
$url = "https://microsip.org/downloads"
# Download the HTML content of the MicroSIP download page
$html = $webClient.DownloadString($url)
#write-output $html
# Use regular expression to extract the download link for the most recent version of MicroSIP Zip
$newversion = Select-String "(MicroSIP-.......zip)" -InputObject $html
# create full download url
$downloadurl = "https://microsip.org/download/" + $newversion.matches.value
#Write-Output $downloadurl
# check if destination folder exists
$folderPath = $env:HOMEDRIVE + $env:HOMEPATH + "\appdata\local\temp\microsip"
if (!(Test-Path -Path $folderPath -PathType Container))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $folderPath
# set download destination path and name
$dest = $env:HOMEDRIVE + $env:HOMEPATH + "\appdata\local\temp\microsip\microsip.zip"
#Write-Output $dest
# download file from URL
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $downloadurl -OutFile $dest
# set user's microsip path
$destuserfolder = $env:HOMEDRIVE + $env:HOMEPATH + "\appdata\MicroSIP"
# extract zip to current user's microsip file
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $dest -DestinationPath $destuserfolder -Force
# set user's microsip contact path and name
$contact = $env:HOMEDRIVE + $env:HOMEPATH + "\appdata\MicroSIP\Contacts.xml"
# set user's document directory path
$mydocuments = [environment]::getfolderpath("mydocuments")
# backup contacts to user's documents
Copy-Item -Path $contact -Destination $mydocuments -Force
This does the job I want just fine - finds the first entry of MicroSIP.........zip then downloads it, extracts it to the user's microsip folder, then backs up their contacts to their documents folder.
The problems I forsee:
If microsip changes their page layout, it's possible the link won't be the first zip on the page
If microsip changes the length of their version numbers, the script will break
Any thoughts on how I can fix these?