@RAM. In other words, he PSX'd?

Posts made by DanaR
RE: BMW i3 All Electric is Out
I soooo want an electric vehicle (or at least partially), but here in the midwest, I can see a lot of "range anxiety". I commute 40 miles a day to work (both ways), and that is a little on the low side for the average in the area. Add on trips to the mall, soccer fields, friends' houses, etc and even 81 miles might not cut it for the average Midwesterner.
I eagerly await a longer-range EV, until then, I'll dream of something like a Volt that I can afford next go-around (ha ha).
RE: Archeage (MMPROG)
@alexntg Oops, sorry, that was a typo! It's CryEngine 3, not 2.
No MMO training for the cats, they try and swat the screen instead of hitting combat buttons!!
It's back to tab-targeting, but as a usual healer, that's a relief. I tried the "point your mouse in the general direction" mode of healing in Neverwinter, and it just didn't work too well: Oh, you stepped 5 feet back, and another member ran in front, so I healed THEM instead of YOU - so that's why you're dead, sorry.
I'm looking forward to the economy - while I do like combat, I have be a little dismayed at the "flatness" of some of the games, where the focus seems to only be on combat. ArcheAge has openly admitted that some of the best gear will be player-crafted, and they have small nuances, like growing a certain crop or raising certain animals can only be done in certain parts of the world. And once you make a trade caravan, you'll need to keep yourself defended as you travel (either on foot or by boat). Totally up my alley.
RE: D&D Players Will Understand
@scottalanmiller Don't worry, she has a high CHA.
RE: Archeage (MMPROG)
We caved and got into the Alpha. A warning: It's a 23GB download!
We got it downloaded and installed yesterday, got in late last night just to look at character creation. I do hope they add in some more skin tone choices, some more hair choices, and maybe even some more races. I'll be able to report back in a few days, once we've created some characters and given things a try.
RE: D&D Players Will Understand
haha Oooh that's pretty good, and covers a good portion of the other D&D players I know
RE: Archeage (MMPROG)
Yeah, when we pick it up, it will need to be on a VERY casual basis. School is kicking our behinds, but it would be nice to have 2-3h a week.
Archeage (MMPROG)
Anyone else keeping an eye on Archeage? We just looked at the footage last night, and are seriously considering dropping the bux on one of the Founder's Packs. It's come a LOOONG way since we last considered it.
Some main features that have us drooling:
- Uses CryEngine 3 for some pretty impressive graphics [due to a typo, this originally said CryEngine 2]
- Open-concept "sandbox" world
- No class weapon/armor restrictions - have that mage wearing plate and wielding a sword
- Lots of ways to level, you get XP from crafting, gathering, etc. If you're not the combat-type, you don't need to swing a sort (or wiggle a finger) to level up
- Player housing and farms (initially for subscribers, but will eventually be open for free-to-play players as well)
- Oh yeah, player housing and farms are open-world (I see good and bad in this), so nab a good plot of land while you can
- Massive PvP battles, both in the air (with gliders, see below), on land, and in the sea (ships with canons!)
- Gliders help you get places faster - and you can have dogfights with the opposing faction, and they look darned cool - if you kill the Kraken, you get an extra-special one
- You need to WORK for things.... you know that horse mount you want? You need to buy a foal and raise it. You want that ship, you need to build it.
- Player-run economy
- Player-run justice (yes, you can get jailed)
RE: Venturing Down a New Career Path
My husband and I have been back at school for just over 9 months, now. We're getting our degrees in IT, but I am heavily considering project management, to be more flexible, in case IT "just isn't what it used to be". We are in our project management cluster now (the adjunct professor is a freakin' rockstar in PM), so I'll know in a month or two if I'm cut out for this stuff.
Congrats on school - I sort of "fell into" IT, but if I had to do it over again, I'd probably be a musician, zookeeper, or humanitarian aid worker.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
Maybe once the "free trial" expires, nothing "bad" will happen....
Thank you!
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
The hosted one doesn't appear to be free (yet); when I select the "Standard" version, it tells me that it's a 30-day free trial.
RE: Lean Thinking and Parkinson's Law
Zzzzzzz...... wha?
Honestly, great discussion. I've been looking for ways to incorporate things like 4-hr Work Week into my own job, to me, being "lean" (as you describe it) just makes sense, and I think it's how we are wired as humans. I wish more companies would look at "productivity" as something other than just # of hours worked.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
I am having trouble finding the hosted option. Does anyone have a direct link to sign up for it?
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
@scottalanmiller ooh I missed that their hosted product was also free - awesome! We frequently get HIPAA-protected info in our help desk tickets, so I'd need to look into their TOS and security, but that just might work.
RE: Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is Now Free!
@scottalanmiller Just found this on my own a couple of weeks ago, while researching other help desk products to replace SW (which has been totally adequate, but we have additional needs). You can request a free license for however many staff you want. So far this is my top pick (over osTicket), just need to figure out how to get it to work on a Windows PC with XAMPP - email just isn't cooperating!
RE: Who is Eating Mangoes?
@scottalanmiller We had a Mango Lassi over the weekend, made with yoghurt, mango puree, milk, and a little sugar. Does that count?
RE: What do you do besides IT/hobbies!
I am going back to school to finish up my Bachelor's degree. I play the piano, am learning Spanish (through Duolingo), I love to cook and eat (just not clean-up).