Looks really cool Rob. I'll have to check it out.

Posts made by Chamele0n
RE: Got tired of waiting for someone to update their subcategories plugin. for Helpdesk V2...
Anyone play the game "Ingress"?
As the topic says, just interested to see if anyone else plays the location based game created by Niantic labs at Google.
I've been playing now for a couple months and finally hit level 8 were supposedly the game really starts. It's not too bad. I enjoy the faction on faction battles. It also gets you out and about away from the house.
RE: Opensource Task management Web application
@thecreativeone91 said:
@Chamele0n said:
We use Evernote, it works quite nice. You can use it as an application/mobile app/ or web interface. Have have several notes for keeping track of todo lists or project status, or other pertinent information that me might think we need to keep.
I think that would be too cumbersome for me. It's great for little stuff but I wouldn't like it for a team.
We've got 8 people in our team that use it. I wouldn't say it's the best product for the task. But i would say that the IT manager would need to pay for the pro version on his/her account that way he/she can share out a notebook to the team (and it will be read/write by all team members).
RE: What Are You Doing Right Now
I'm writing a post on Mangolassi. My wife is watching some show "Married at first site". I'm preparing for a MOP tonight (Maintenance of an IPTV product I'm the administrator of for a small telecom)
RE: Opensource Task management Web application
We use Evernote, it works quite nice. You can use it as an application/mobile app/ or web interface. Have have several notes for keeping track of todo lists or project status, or other pertinent information that me might think we need to keep.
RE: Is Spiceworks deleting unused accounts?
I wonder if it's because they changed to the new "people" profile where you can add projects and stuff you are working on, I'm sure your account didn't get removed. It is probably because they are requiring everyone to have that new profile now.
You are probably use to this as your profile:
But they are changing the look and feel to this:
RE: A List of Free and Open Source Control Panels
@mlnews said:
A comparison of zPanel, WebMin and others
ISPConfig3 is really good, but one they are missing is: Kloxo: http://lxcenter.org/software/kloxo
Although I haven't had the need for a Control Panel on my web servers for quite some time, it's been a few years since I've used Kloxo, but it was decent back then, and is still under development (it looks like)
RE: SAN, NAS, DAS Cage Match
@scottalanmiller I think I have read enough of your posts about storage to have a good idea on what you mentioned in the webinar.
RE: Is Google Wireless Coming Next
@mlnews said:
is Google Wireless the next big step
Google has been providing WiFi to Silicon Valley for quite some time, I would think with their fiber rollout the next big step could be to use the fiber as a backbone and provide WiFi.
RE: SAN, NAS, DAS Cage Match
I missed the call. Was very busy putting out a few fires and installing some new server and cabling.
RE: Video games!
dang @awkward-gamer you have a lot of games.....
I have been a gamer a long times, mostly play multiplayer FPS.
It all started back with Counter-Strike .66 Beta on the PC, kept playing that for about 4-5 years and moved into another Half-Life mod (Team Fortress Classic) for a few more years.
Then when I joined the U.S. Navy I need something more portable so I got a Gaming laptop and played World of Warcraft for 5 years or so. Then moved into console gaming with Halo series, Call of Duty series, and Battlefield series.
Been console ever since. I haven't had the time or money to keep up with upgrading a PC to play top of the line games with max settings.
RE: End User home router suggestions?
@Bill-Kindle said:
@Dashrender Asus routers are by far the easiest I have ever setup. Almost pull out of box and plug in easy.
I love the newer ASUS line, it has DD-WRT by default for firmware. It has added features compared to most manufacturer firmware. But it's not too hard to configure. Should be fairly easy for non-techies to understand. I probably won't go back to Linksys since Cisco no longer owns it.
RE: Anyone else using Copy?
Never heard of it. Looks nice though, with a 20GB start and 5GB per referral sounds enticing.
RE: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Beta Released
Looks very nice. Will have to upgrade the Ubuntu I have at home.
RE: Is anyone currently running Apple Mac OSX Server?
We use a mac mini server for streaming locally generated TV content (I work for telecom, working with IPTV) So it's primarily multicast traffic.
We do have a mac mini server for corporate as well. That handles the group policies and such for our mac computers. Works nice. Not sure what OS version it is on.
RE: Unreal Next Gen Goes Linux
Very cool. Unreal is one of my favorite shooter games to play. About time we get some real gaming on Linux.
RE: The worst. job. EVER.
Hmm...a string on posts from A.J that were deleted. But what did they say? haha.
I'm not sure I really have had a bad job so to speak.