Working out, no diet.
@IRJ how much can you lift Joel? Due to medical problems I can't exactly curl so I do use the machines. Currently doing 3 reps of 15 or 20 with a weight of 50 or 70 depending on the day. It usually hurts once you get to you're 30th press lol.
@RAM. said:
@IRJ how much can you lift Joel? Due to medical problems I can't exactly curl so I do use the machines. Currently doing 3 reps of 15 or 20 with a weight of 50 or 70 depending on the day. It usually hurts once you get to you're 30th press lol.
On the top 2 pictures, I was about 330lbs. I could bench about 360lbs which is pretty poor bench to weight ratio. I was born with a missing pectoral muscle on the right side of my chest. All my strength comes from my arms and shoulders. I was military pressing 310lbs on my shoulders at one point.
@IRJ said:
@RAM. said:
@IRJ how much can you lift Joel? Due to medical problems I can't exactly curl so I do use the machines. Currently doing 3 reps of 15 or 20 with a weight of 50 or 70 depending on the day. It usually hurts once you get to you're 30th press lol.
On the top 2 pictures, I was about 330lbs. I could bench about 360lbs which is pretty poor bench to weight ratio. I was born with a missing pectoral muscle on the right side of my chest. All my strength comes from my arms and shoulders. I was military pressing 310lbs on my shoulders at one point.
Oh I'm not benching yet... nor do I know if I will... when the doctor says "your bones will break if you lift too much, we just don't know where that line is" kind of makes me go "well... wtf do I do?
@RAM. said:
@IRJ said:
@RAM. said:
@IRJ how much can you lift Joel? Due to medical problems I can't exactly curl so I do use the machines. Currently doing 3 reps of 15 or 20 with a weight of 50 or 70 depending on the day. It usually hurts once you get to you're 30th press lol.
On the top 2 pictures, I was about 330lbs. I could bench about 360lbs which is pretty poor bench to weight ratio. I was born with a missing pectoral muscle on the right side of my chest. All my strength comes from my arms and shoulders. I was military pressing 310lbs on my shoulders at one point.
Oh I'm not benching yet... nor do I know if I will... when the doctor says "your bones will break if you lift too much, we just don't know where that line is" kind of makes me go "well... wtf do I do?
You can see some really nice results from just doing pushups and crunches.
@alexntg not to be rude at all but this is false information. Is running good for you? Yes. Will you see weight loss at first? Yes. Will you lose muscle mass instead this way though and then not have caloric burn via metabolism from muscle mass and then gain back all your weight from yo yo ing? Yes. Proper weight loss is done more so through lean body mass gain than cardio.
Experience: NASM certified, ISSA certified, and lost 95 pounds personally and the healthy way.
@scottalanmiller I'll look at this thread when I get home. Trying to read all of this over on an iPhone isn't conducive to fully grasping what this threads main focus is lol.
@rich9403 Please explain what NASM and ISSA are
I am very interested. With all of my own recent diet and health changes I want to be more healthy.
@Minion-Queen nasm is the national academy of sports medicine (probably the best education source for health and fitness in my opinion) and Issa is the international sports and science association a smaller education program but still a good one :). The key to proper weight loss is a hybrid program of cardio and weight training ( lean body mass not necessarily bulking) because eventually that lean body mass you build takes over the weight loss side. Muscle takes constant energy to maintain which comes from your fat stores mostly. And burns 24 hrs a day as opposed to cardio where after u are finished with the workout you are only going to burn maybe 20-30 more cals than normal.
@Nic nope lol 50/50 or at least should be
@Minion-Queen also awesome for you that you are making the changes.
it isn't easy but it's sooooooo worth it
@rich9403 I might need to call on your expertise!
We should do a MangoLassi Community weight loss challenge!!
I have been very sick most of my adult life. Between thyroid issues (that took them years to find) and food allergies (that again took them forever to find). For the first time I actually feel healthy and want to stay that way!
It seems that food allergies are one of the hardest things for doctors to troubleshoot. My sister in law finally found that she has a wheat allergy - now that she avoids it, she's feeling much better!
The fact that they are hard to find and most Dr's don't want to believe that an allergy really could be causing most of your health issues made life difficult for many years for me.
I have very little personal faith in physicians to heal us as it is. Frankly I'm wondering if something like Watson will do a much better job. No egos to get in the way.
I say egos, because I know that medical doctors often dismiss chiropractic care as worthwhile. Instead they want you to go to physical therapy or traction, etc. Homeopathic medicine seems to be sacrosanct, which probably is due to their training... It's no different than companies HR departments still requiring IT professionals to have a 4 year degree before they will even let them in the door, it's the old way of thinking holding us back.
I completely agree @Dashrender I lost my confidence in the medical community a long time ago and have explored and treated most things myself (or at least knew what to ask for when I was at the Dr's).
I have seen references to The Bulletproof Executive in Spiceworks (Duffney, I think). Supposedly you can eat the right things to fight fat and not exercise (and not sleep much), I'm not sure I buy into it:
@Dashrender said:
I have very little personal faith in physicians to heal us as it is. Frankly I'm wondering if something like Watson will do a much better job. No egos to get in the way.
I say egos, because I know that medical doctors often dismiss chiropractic care as worthwhile. Instead they want you to go to physical therapy or traction, etc. Homeopathic medicine seems to be sacrosanct, which probably is due to their training... It's no different than companies HR departments still requiring IT professionals to have a 4 year degree before they will even let them in the door, it's the old way of thinking holding us back.
Same here. I don't have faith in American doctors, at least. The "profession" here is not like it is in other countries. I've had nothing but am amazing experience with a doctor in France. But rarely have I had even an acceptable one in the US.
Wow is all I can say.
Some great transformations.
Diet as well as "working out" is what will make changes to your body.
You do not need to be a nutter and cut everything out, but do eat things in moderation.
Look at the mediterraneans, have olive oil in everything, have carbs in a lot of meals, wine/beer and some are still in great shapes.
It's eating fresh/none crap food, if possible make your own bread/your own pizza/pasta if you like that kind of thing.
Avoid if possible pre-made foods on a daily basis.
Nice steady paced walks, take up an activity such as swimming and things like that will help.
Being at the gym 2 hours a day, every day like a crazy person is neither good for most of us and or normal + boring.
Good luck
While you can probably lose weight by eating carbs and doing tons of exercise, it's (a) probably inefficient (the more carbs you take in the more exercise you need to do to burn them off) and (b) it's not exactly a healthy approach (where do you get your vitamins?)
I've heard that fatty foods and sugar (including carbs) are addictive; the more you eat them, the more you crave them. In my experience this is very true. Once I managed to consistently reduce my sugar (I haven't drank soda/pop in almost 10 years) and carb intake for a long period of time, the less I craved them. I also found that the more I ate vegetables, the more I craved them. After a while, I could barely stomach any fast food; it just didn't taste good any more (it probably never tasted good, but I didn't realize it.) This took quite a few months of real healthy eating. It was very difficult but I guess I just had the willpower to do it (my motivation was wanting to reduce my risks for long-term future problems that run my family like like heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer.) Today I still eat out quite a bit, but I'm a lot more selective about where I eat (less fast food chains, more small diners and delis and whatnot.)
I lost a bit of weight due to improved eating habits, but I don't think it was all that much. Where I really lost weight was from daily exercise. I spent an entire summer biking anywhere from 5 to 10km (3-6 miles) almost every day (maybe 6 out of 7 days on average.) While not an extraordinary feat, it was convenient enough and didn't tie up a ton of time so I managed to do consistently for a long period of time. I probably lost 15-20lbs over that summer with no other exercise, although I'm sure the improved eating around the same time also helped.
Within the last year I lost about 25lbs due to a "mostly" gluten free diet. It's "mostly" gluten free because my fiancée has Celiac Disease so we don't eat any gluten at home nor even keep it in the house for fear of cross contamination; she's that sensitive to it. But when I'm outside of the house I will still eat a sandwich or breaded food, but very little. I wasn't overweight before, but I was at the top end of "normal" weight range for my height. Now I'm in the middle/low side of the normal range. This was with no other changes in my eating or activity levels (which have not been that great over the last year or two; slowly working on getting back into the habit of exercising and hoping that warmer weather will help.)