Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Played a ton of Highrise Heroes yesterday, and two hours of Millenium and a little bit of Secrets of a Lost Planet last night.
@dominica is playing 9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek now.
Played a few hours of Elite Dangerous over the weekend. Doing bounty hunting for the most part. Easy way to make a lot of money quickly. The game doesn't have a lot of depth yet but all the systems are in place to add a decent story.
After playing Fable: TLC for awhile I decided to revisit Fable III, so I reinstalled that. I did opt to back an interesting kickstarter: Hopefully it is actually released soon.
Street Fighter V -- In the lab super hard
So I picked up Valkyria Chronicles due to the 75% off coupon, and I have to say this is a good melding of story and gameplay. So far it looks like it deserves all the glowing reviews on Steam. It is a story game set in a world based heavily on late 1930's Europe. In it there is extensive dialog interspersed with turn based, third person shooter action. If it sounds odd, you're right. On the other hand, it works well. Basically you get a turn with a limited number of command points. You spend CPs to allow your characters to perform actions. When you select to spend a CP on a character you then switch to a third person view where you can move freely within the bounds of your character's Action Points. At any point within that you can perform an action, e.g. fire a gun, throw a grenade, heal, etc. Where it diverges further from an XCom style game is that while a character is moving, any enemy that has LOS on it will be firing at them, so don't run out in front of a tank or a machine gunner.
There are RPG, character building elements I understand, but I haven't gotten to them yet. The UI is a little clunk because the game was originally released for the PS3, and then ported to PC. It is one of the best ports I've run across though.
Anyhow, this is well worth the $5 in my opinion.
I have that one, have only played a little bit I like it.
@scottalanmiller said:
I have that one, have only played a little bit I like it.
While I was playing it I was thinking you'd like it with your penchant for story oriented games.
@Kelly aww, it's not on sale anymore. Or did you have a coupon code or something?
@RojoLoco said:
@NattNatt said:
@RojoLoco said:
@Kelly aww, it's not on sale anymore. Or did you have a coupon code or something?
a coupon in inventory, think I've got one if you want it..?
I hate to take a man's hard earned coupon (I checked my inventory, no love).
Surprisingly, my account is NattNatt there too...I'm not gonna use it, so it'll just expire in mine lol
may as well share the wealth
@NattNatt If you really want rid of it, I suppose I could put it to good use... you know, just so it wont expire. Is it a text code or do we have to exchange it through steam?
@RojoLoco said:
@NattNatt If you really want rid of it, I suppose I could put it to good use... you know, just so it wont expire. Is it a text code or do we have to exchange it through steam?
exchange through steam, it's an item in my inventory! About to go home now, but send me a Friend Req and i'll send it over
@NattNatt Nice, thanks!
I'm looking for the next great mmo but everything has fallen short
@JaredBusch said:
I run a D&D 5e game every other Tuesday evening using Hangouts and
I am currently playing Dragon Quest I on my iPad. Will likely finish that soon and move on to Dragon Quest II.
This is my absolute all time favorite console game series ever.
I'm playing a Deathwatch campaign on roll20. It's pretty fun