The Hospitality Management Anecdote
As a parent of an almost able to head to college teenager. This is a discussion we have had for years in our house. College is not a necessary thing. You can teach yourself and work towards your goal.
Now I do know that @Mike-Ralston is pretty lucky in that he has been able to intern for NTG for a few years now and is getting valuable work experience even if this isn't the field he decides to land in. Most high school students at the age of 17 are still having fun and have no responsibilities. Mike will be able to honestly say he has worked in a true IT environment and has worked in Enterprise level IT environments before he turned 17.
But if teens were taught that they should take initiative from the beginning more would be productive members of society before they hit 18 and not waiting for College to hand them a job at the end (which we all know doesn't happen) and if they have no real experience in their field they aren't going to get a job anyway. I have spoken to so many College Grads that have no job experience at all (never worked) and went to college for their dream job, that there are no jobs in, and spent $80K to do it.
@Minion-Queen said:
I have spoken to so many College Grads that have no job experience at all (never worked) and went to college for their dream job, that there are no jobs in, and spent $80K to do it.
Who then, likely, lack the experience and skills necessary to excel even at very basic jobs like hotels, restaurants or whatever. There are so many jobs out there for people who can't land their rare, dream job but people who blow all of their youth dreaming of that dream job rather than preparing to be a good worker are at a major disadvantage. I started working on a farm as a kid and in a business the moment I could at sixteen and have worked solidly, without a break, ever since. I had tons of just basic "work" experience before graduating high school. I learned far more from working at restaurants, nursing homes, hotels, grocery stores, etc. than I ever did in school. People who go to college instead of working skip all of that learning.
Yes they do. They also lack basic real world communication skills as well. Despite what schools want you to believe. You will not be working with people your own age with shared life experience once you leave school
@Minion-Queen said:
Yes they do. They also lack basic real world communication skills as well. Despite what schools want you to believe. You will not be working with people your own age with shared life experience once you leave school
As Paul Graham pointed out in "Hackers and Painters", schools prepare students to be treated as criminals and to operate like "The Lord of the Flies" without insight and supervision and then dumps them, without any warning, into a word where behaving like you are in school is completely unacceptable.
Many people mention, since we home school, the shared life experience thing. Because to people working in small towns often everyone did go to the same school and share a lot of that experience. But the moment I hit professional work environments I learned that I had a shared life experience with no one. No one else grew up on a farm, no one else went to a public high school, no one else did.... much of anything that I did even though I did what everyone in Upstate NY did - or so we were led to believe.
I worked with people who grew up all over the world, traveled, homeschooled, private schooled, government schooled, went to university, didn't go to university, you name it. The experiences were so varied that it gave lots of good perspective but the one thing that never existed was the massive "shared life experience" thing that people like to promote so strongly.
As a former homeschooler we got questioned on Socialization all the time. Because a homeschooler obviously wasn't providing proper socializing outlets. Umm yeah right. Because going out in public and not being rude to the cashier and carrying on conversations with random adults isn't socializing apparently.
I am convinced that one could get an arguably better education on YouTube than at college, with the proper level of self-motivation. As with the availability of computers themselves, hi-tech equipment in general, and all of that, the ease of access to limitless information is unparalleled. It's mind-blowing, when you actually sit and think about it. When I was in high school (not that long ago, in all reality), we didn't have cell phones, let alone smart phones. The "internet", aka "cyberspace" was something you read about it Popular Science, and our computer lab had Apple II-GS desktops. You had to know how to use a card catalog, an atlas, and a phone book. Today, in stark contrast, we carry a handheld device that has instant access to the entire compendium of human knowledge, spanning the spectrum of recorded history (which we use to argue with strangers and look at cat pictures). I don't think college was ever the necessity it has been drummed-up to be, but anymore, the "college or bust" mantra is little more than job security for the edu-crats. Of course, all of this is not to say that I want doctors to be "YouTube grads", so please understand the context, as explained in the OP.
@art_of_shred said:
When I was in high school (not that long ago, in all reality), we didn't have cell phones....
Well, it actually was VERY long ago, old man. But if you remember, I actually did have a cell phone!!
But I was the only one.
@art_of_shred said:
The "internet", aka "cyberspace" was something you read about it Popular Science.....
Popular Science was the one that constantly called it the "Information Superhighway". OMG I can't believe that kids today have never heard that term. It was so common back then.
Oh I feel so young reading these comments...
@art_of_shred said:
...and our computer lab had Apple II-GS desktops.
Not primarily, only one of two. The bulk of the lab (except for the CAD classes) were Apple IIe, not GS, until our senior year when they put in the black and white Macs. We never used the Macs because we were done with classes by that point but that last year they existed. I only know or remember this because I had to write my senior thesis in that lab and I remember doing it on a Mac. That was at the end of the year so maybe they put the Macs in during the winter break and not at the beginning of the year. There were no networks then, except for the printer connections, so revamping the lab could be done basically overnight.
This discussion reminds me of the Higher Education Bubble hypothesis, interesting read.
@art_of_shred said:
I don't think college was ever the necessity it has been drummed-up to be.....
I think that it used to be more of a barrier to fewer jobs, if that makes sense. Jobs that today are not barred by college (scientist, non-civil engineer, programmer) used to be effectively college-only. But most jobs (even teaching) had zero college requirements and going to college would have seemed crazy. So I think that those programs for which college was designed were more controlled by it, but the vast majority of people would never have considered college.
Today, very few careers are really governed by college (nearly all through government regulation and not economic reasons) but the majority of people go to college anyway.
...and by "cell phone" you mean "bag phone". Not exactly the same thing, and I don't recall it having Google Earth, either. I don't think I stepped foot in the computer lab during my senior year, unless that was when I took Keyboarding, but I think that was Junior year. I remember using a GS for that class. Ah yes, the Information Super-highway...
@scottalanmiller said:
@Minion-Queen said:
I have spoken to so many College Grads that have no job experience at all (never worked) and went to college for their dream job, that there are no jobs in, and spent $80K to do it.
Who then, likely, lack the experience and skills necessary to excel even at very basic jobs like hotels, restaurants or whatever. There are so many jobs out there for people who can't land their rare, dream job but people who blow all of their youth dreaming of that dream job rather than preparing to be a good worker are at a major disadvantage. I started working on a farm as a kid and in a business the moment I could at sixteen and have worked solidly, without a break, ever since. I had tons of just basic "work" experience before graduating high school. I learned far more from working at restaurants, nursing homes, hotels, grocery stores, etc. than I ever did in school. People who go to college instead of working skip all of that learning.
The other issue is that college doesn't teach you a lot of lessons that you will learn FOR A GUARANTEE at that job at the grocery store, in retail, etc. Basic customer service skills, basic human interaction skills, even basics like making change, all can be learned at pretty much any entry level job, and it's amazing how the principles you learn from those skills carry over into a more professional environment. The fundamental lessons you learn are crucial for success in a professional environment, but often can't really be learned in that environment. So many people bypass all these crucial skills because these jobs are "beneath them" and then wonder why people who did those jobs are getting ahead and taking the jobs they worked for years at college to get. I've said to many people for years that someone who knows their ****, doesn't have the piece of paper and is willing to work hard will always get farther ahead in their career than the person who thinks that having a piece of paper with their name on it and some degree is a free-ride ticket. That's basically what kids are told in schools nowadays, is that college is a free-ride ticket. You get the degree, the rest will take care of itself, and it's just not true.
The thing that people always seem to forget. Colleges are a business they are not there to be helpful to you. They are filling their pockets with the crazy fees that people pay to take classes. They are car salesmen.
@art_of_shred said:
...and by "cell phone" you mean "bag phone". Not exactly the same thing, and I don't recall it having Google Earth, either. I don't think I stepped foot in the computer lab during my senior year, unless that was when I took Keyboarding, but I think that was Junior year. I remember using a GS for that class. Ah yes, the Information Super-highway...
I think keyboarding was junior year for me too. My keyboarding class was definitely on the Apple ][e machines.
@Minion-Queen said:
The thing that people always seem to forget. Colleges are a business they are not there to be helpful to you. They are filling their pockets with the crazy fees that people pay to take classes. They are car salesmen.
A major university in the Washington, D.C. area, when questioned as to why they were not providing a value to their students, stated that students are not the customers of a university but are simply their to provide funding for the professors to do other things. Educating the students was not their job nor did they care. The students were simply a revenue source for research.
Read: they felt, quite rightly, that any student at their university was a sucker and deserved to be taken advantage of.
And I believe that that was George Mason University that said that. It has been a while.
Yup, education and news outlets. For-profit businesses that have managed to convince the general populace that they are necessary, trustworthy, and looking out for something to do with truth, your best interests, or some other idealistic thing like that. Laughable, except for the fact that the rest of us are held hostage by their successful marketing and the consequences thereof.