Non-IT News Thread
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
This is a crystal, though, not a meat substitute.
Are you supposed to snort it?
Supposed to, no. Will much of America find a way to, likely.
I'm looking at you, Tioga County.
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
You've never seen Breaking Bad?
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
You've never seen Breaking Bad?
I've never seen it. Watched like ten minutes and knew it wasn't something I wanted to see.
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
You've never seen Breaking Bad?
Yes. You've never heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle? Much older and more important than that show.
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
You've never seen Breaking Bad?
I've never seen it. Watched like ten minutes and knew it wasn't something I wanted to see.
Uhm, ok, now both of you screwed that joke...
It's getting way better when you get past the first few episodes.
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@thwr said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
@coliver said in Non-IT News Thread:
@scottalanmiller said in Non-IT News Thread:
Tioga County is where all the NY meth labs are.
Any further plans, Mr. Heisenberg?
"I'm uncertain.... " - Heisenberg
You've never seen Breaking Bad?
Yes. You've never heard of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle? Much older and more important than that show.
Hehe, ok, your point. And yes, I know that. "Heisenbergsche Unschรคrferelation".
I overheard two people discussing the need for intelligent people to reproduce more because, and I quote "we (assuming that she herself in included in the category for intelligent people) need to outbreed them". Are there any reports that you guys can refer me to on this topic? Something statistics related and as factual as I can get that attempts to prove that uneducated people are reproducing at a more rapid rate? Google wasn't very helpful for me.
I know smart parents that have kids dumb as a box of rocks and the reverse as well. I don't really know what to say to this.
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
I overheard two people discussing the need for intelligent people to reproduce more because, and I quote "we (assuming that she herself in included in the category for intelligent people) need to outbreed them". Are there any reports that you guys can refer me to on this topic? Something statistics related and as factual as I can get that attempts to prove that uneducated people are reproducing at a more rapid rate? Google wasn't very helpful for me.
Stupid people should not be allowed to reproduce (yeah, I said it), yet they do, in tragically epic numbers.
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
I overheard two people discussing the need for intelligent people to reproduce more because, and I quote "we (assuming that she herself in included in the category for intelligent people) need to outbreed them". Are there any reports that you guys can refer me to on this topic? Something statistics related and as factual as I can get that attempts to prove that uneducated people are reproducing at a more rapid rate? Google wasn't very helpful for me.
Stupid people should not be allowed to reproduce (yeah, I said it), yet they do, in tragically epic numbers.
Yet they give birth to brilliant people just like brilliant people give birth to idiots. Or do you mean they shouldn't be able to actually raise the child but still retain the right to get pregnant?
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
I overheard two people discussing the need for intelligent people to reproduce more because, and I quote "we (assuming that she herself in included in the category for intelligent people) need to outbreed them". Are there any reports that you guys can refer me to on this topic? Something statistics related and as factual as I can get that attempts to prove that uneducated people are reproducing at a more rapid rate? Google wasn't very helpful for me.
I know smart parents that have kids dumb as a box of rocks and the reverse as well. I don't really know what to say to this.
There is no measure of "smart people", thus no study like you are seeking. What there are solid studies on are that people with significant careers, those who are highly educated, Europeans from wealthier countries, the Japanese, Singaporeans and similar groups are all reproducing at a fraction of the rate of the rest of the world. Are they smarter? I'm not saying that. But those are the stats that people are using.
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco said in Non-IT News Thread:
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
I overheard two people discussing the need for intelligent people to reproduce more because, and I quote "we (assuming that she herself in included in the category for intelligent people) need to outbreed them". Are there any reports that you guys can refer me to on this topic? Something statistics related and as factual as I can get that attempts to prove that uneducated people are reproducing at a more rapid rate? Google wasn't very helpful for me.
Stupid people should not be allowed to reproduce (yeah, I said it), yet they do, in tragically epic numbers.
Yet they give birth to brilliant people just like brilliant people give birth to idiots. Or do you mean they shouldn't be able to actually raise the child but still retain the right to get pregnant?
I think there should be very stringent laws on who gets to make babies. Long gone are the days when everyone needed to pop out kids until their uterus fell out. Overpopulation means everybody need to chill out on the babymaking, especially the unintelligent. Animals can be bred to be smart/fast/pretty/whatever, why can't we do that with people?
In Italy, for example, even though the population isn't getting smarter or dumber, it is becoming more educated and richer. As this happens, those that are more educated and richer than the rest have fewer kids. To the point that they, like Japan, are facing full on societal collapse that is only being held off through massive immigration to keep the population numbers up.
Much of this is caused by the average child bearing age of women shooting from in the late teens to nearly 30 in as many years as the shift is. The average number of kids per woman is plummeting as well. So fewer kids, later in life. The population is devastated by it. Instead of generating four kids every twenty four years, now it is one kid every thirty. That's a very, very different child landscape.
But it has nothing to do with the genes, just social and economic pressures.
@RojoLoco Genetic diversity is needed for a species to advance though. That means everyone is valuable.
@wirestyle22 said in Non-IT News Thread:
@RojoLoco Genetic diversity is needed for a species to advance though. That means everyone is valuable.
Well, no, it means that many people are valuable. Bad genes are still bad genes, though. You don't want to risk passing on stupidity any more than passing on huge congenital heart defects or other risks. Diversity value does not mean that all gene samples are valuable.
Sadly for me, gene diversity is important. I come from the least diverse gene pool in the New World. So inbred that my family had the US DNA inbreeding and DNA deformation research facility built where we come from so that they would have easier access to my family.