Caps Lock
I can't, for the life of me, figure out why keyboards are still made with the caps lock key in such a ridiculous place. Sun, decades ago, made awesome keyboards with the Control key there and the Caps Lock elsewhere. No one needs Caps Lock and the people who use it are often the ones would should least have access to them.
So I have started disabling the Caps Lock key entirely on my machines. Anyone else do that? Anyone turn it into a Control key or something similar?
Jokes aside, it would make a useful extra macro key I suppose. Maybe a shortcut for control-V or other frequently used button. Maybe remap it to tab so when you are trying to actually hit tab to complete a line you have a much larger target.
Danger of any reuse of it is you create a unique typing style which would end up driving me (more) insane.
Keyboard redirection isn't something I think about, though I know that it is possible. Programing keys to emulate the old VT-100 terminal.
I suppose my style of typing is pretty much eliminated the use of the CAPs key since I don't 'type as taught' anyway.
You have a point that it is sort of in the way,.. but I have 'programmed my brain' to figure out the keys as they are - that adapt and over come - thing.
I so hate that key. I love where it is on my MacBook Pro with the Japanese keyboard.