Unsolved BSOD error 0x0000139 Bug Check
I got a Windows 10 Pro 22H2 Desktop PC that is BSOD multiple times a day, event view shows the picture below. I believe this is what's causing it, but Can't find where the corruption is; Tried SFC scan and got the Device to run for 3 days without BSOD, then it just started happening again today out of nowhere.
any thoughts? -
But it didn't really help cause the '3' error is worded weirdly here.
3 Address of the exception record for the exception that caused the bug check
Found that the 'dam" boot-start /System-start isn't starting properly - but not 100% sure how to fix that; researching online
WinDbg can help you read the memory dump file, which may help you find what file or process caused the crash.
@EddieJennings This is better ; https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/blue_screen_view.html
@dbeato Nice. Thankfully I haven't had to deal with a Windows bug check in a while