Issues Installing Snipe-IT on CentOS 7
_____ _ __________ / ___/____ (_)___ ___ / _/_ __/ \__ \/ __ \/ / __ \/ _ \______ / / / / ___/ / / / / / /_/ / __/_____// / / / /____/_/ /_/_/ .___/\___/ /___/ /_/ /_/ Welcome to Snipe-IT Inventory Installer for CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu! The installer has detected centos version 7 as the OS. Q. What is the FQDN of your server? ( Setting to Q. Do you want to automatically create the database user password? (y/n) y * Adding IUS, epel-release and MariaDB repositories. * Installing Apache httpd, PHP, MariaDB and other requirements. * Installing httpd ... * Installing mariadb-server ... * Installing git ... * Installing unzip ... * Installing php71u ... * Installing php71u-mysqlnd ... * Installing php71u-bcmath ... * Installing php71u-cli ... * php71u-common already installed * Installing php71u-embedded ... * Installing php71u-gd ... * Installing php71u-mbstring ... * Installing php71u-mcrypt ... * Installing php71u-ldap ... * Installing php71u-json ... * Installing php71u-simplexml ... * Setting MariaDB to start on boot and starting MariaDB. * Securing MariaDB. NOTE: RUNNING ALL PARTS OF THIS SCRIPT IS RECOMMENDED FOR ALL MariaDB SERVERS IN PRODUCTION USE! PLEASE READ EACH STEP CAREFULLY! In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current password for the root user. If you've just installed MariaDB, andyou haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here. Enter current password for root (enter for none): OK, successfully used password, moving on... Setting the root password ensures that nobody can log into the MariaDB root user without the proper authorisation. Set root password? [Y/n] y New password: Re-enter new password: Password updated successfully! Reloading privilege tables.. ... Success! By default, a MariaDB installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MariaDB without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? [Y/n] y ... Success! Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? [Y/n] y ... Success! By default, MariaDB comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove test database and access to it? [Y/n] y - Dropping test database... ... Success! - Removing privileges on test database... ... Success! Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? [Y/n] y ... Success! Cleaning up... All done! If you've completed all of the above steps, your MariaDB installation should now be secure. Thanks for using MariaDB! * Creating MariaDB Database/User. * Please Input your MariaDB root password Enter password: * Creating the new virtual host in Apache. * Setting up hosts file. * Cloning Snipe-IT from github to the web directory. * Configuring .env file. cp: cannot stat ‘/var/www/html/snipeit/.env.example’: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory * Installing and running composer. ./ line 114: cd: /var/www/html/snipeit/: No such file or directory curl: (7) Failed to connect to 2001:41d0:a:7b19::2: Network is unreachable Could not open input file: composer.phar * Setting permissions. chmod: cannot access ‘/var/www/html/snipeit/storage’: No such file or directory chmod: cannot access ‘/var/www/html/snipeit/storage/private_uploads’: No such file or directory chmod: cannot access ‘/var/www/html/snipeit/public/uploads’: No such file or directory chown: cannot access ‘/var/www/html/snipeit’: No such file or directory * Generating the application key. * Artisan Migrate. * Creating scheduler cron. no crontab for root * Setting Apache httpd to start on boot and starting service. Q. Do you want to configure mail server settings? (y/n) y Outgoing mailserver address:server sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Server port number:25 sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Username: sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Password: sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Encryption(null/TLS/SSL): sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory From sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory From name:Snipe-IT sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Reply to address: sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory Reply to name: sed: can't read /var/www/html/snipeit/.env: No such file or directory ***Open to login to Snipe-IT.*** * Cleaning up... * Finished!
(MOD: Corrected Title. Added Tags)
/var/www/html/ is empty
Maybe the git clone failed?
Defiantly seems like the git clone is failing.
Check in /var/www/html/snipeit
@dustinb3403 There is nothing in the HTML directory
We have a proxy that we are required to use to get to the internet, I wonder if that is causing some issues....
New installs is pretty straight forward.
Which option did you choose?
Git Clone (recommended) or Download the installer -
@black3dynamite Installer
Here is my most resent try:
@black3dynamite the installation script has been updated to fix a lot of the issues (particularly with updating).
So it's a completely valid approach to getting snipe-it installed.
Using CentOS7 (1708). Works fine on Vultr, bur I need it hosted internally
I just did this about 10 minutes ago and it's working great. did you follow the first few steps in the guide on here?
setenforce 0
yum -y install epel-release
mkdir -p /var/www/html; cd /var/www/html/
wget && chmod 744 && ./ -
only other thing I had to do was open firewall port
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=80/tcp
systemctl restart firewalld.service -
- SELinux doesn't need to disabled anymore, however I did try it, same results.
- The directory is created as part of the script, so no need to create it.
- epel-release also already in the script
@bnrstnr did you see errors like this?
@aaronstuder I would try to create it just for kicks?
@bnrstnr I did.
@aaronstuder no errors at all, well none that I noticed anyway. I just ran it from XenCenter so I can't scroll back up and look. I'll revert back to clean CentOS install and try again from putty