I need some ideas how to use spare server
Host your own blog, bulletin board, Irc, mail client, and I'm running out of ideas.
@jmoore said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
Host your own blog, bulletin board, Irc, mail client, and I'm running out of ideas.
Wrong direction. All that is more of a hobby. Elk stack was a good suggestion, I'm leaning towards Sensu, Vector, Salt, Consul, perhaps Snipe-It, that kind of stuff.
Ok got you. Sorry lol I was running out of ideas. I want to try Snipe-IT soon. Working on Log.io from Scott's previous thread currently
@marcinozga said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
I have a Supermicro server with 2x Xeon E5530 and 24GB Ram, with 1TB storage. It currently runs free ESXi with some VMs that are going to be shut down in a few days. I also have aging Nagios/Opsview server that needs modern replacement. I need a few ideas what to put on that server. I plan on running all Linux VMs, and only free, open source apps. I also cannot add any local storage, it has 8x 15k SAS drives, replacing it would be fairly expensive.
This is spare server at work, so things like Plex or Minecraft server are off the table.
Install KVM and work on using configuration tools like Chef, Saltstack, Puppet, and Ansible for configuration management of Webservers (Apache2, Nginx), Databases(MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres), Load Balancers(HAProxy) ,Container Hosts(Docker Host, CoreOS), and other services(ELK stack, Nagios, BIND, DHCP, etc...).
When you've finished send me your resume; especially if you get good with Chef. We're looking for a couple/few good DevOps Engineers.
@ramblingbiped said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
@marcinozga said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
I have a Supermicro server with 2x Xeon E5530 and 24GB Ram, with 1TB storage. It currently runs free ESXi with some VMs that are going to be shut down in a few days. I also have aging Nagios/Opsview server that needs modern replacement. I need a few ideas what to put on that server. I plan on running all Linux VMs, and only free, open source apps. I also cannot add any local storage, it has 8x 15k SAS drives, replacing it would be fairly expensive.
This is spare server at work, so things like Plex or Minecraft server are off the table.
Install KVM and work on using configuration tools like Chef, Saltstack, Puppet, and Ansible for configuration management of Webservers (Apache2, Nginx), Databases(MySQL, MariaDB, Postgres), Load Balancers(HAProxy) ,Container Hosts(Docker Host, CoreOS), and other services(ELK stack, Nagios, BIND, DHCP, etc...).
When you've finished send me your resume; especially if you get good with Chef. We're looking for a couple/few good DevOps Engineers.
Does it have to be Chef?
It seems a bit dated, it's like implementing monitoring and using Nagios for it.
Currently I'm fighting with LXD, turns out setting up networking on that thing is far from trivial. I might have to document the process. -
@jmoore said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
Ok got you. Sorry lol I was running out of ideas. I want to try Snipe-IT soon. Working on Log.io from Scott's previous thread currently
Log.io is cool, and useful for tiny environments. For a cooler project, Graylog is really something neat.
I will check that out Scott, thanks!
Graylog is nice use.
Now you wanted see pfsense logs in Graylog, you will have to use pfSense 2.2 Graylog extractors. -
That does sound interesting. Ill probably waste another night of playing with new stuff instead of writing on my blog lol
I've been wanting to get a Fedora 26 KVM with Kimchi fully functional.
I'm gonna try it this weekend in my personal lab.
Your server would be nice for something like that!
@marcinozga said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
I've used Zabbix in the past and wasn't impressed. Web interface was horrible, and there was no comparison to Nagios in terms of what you could monitor.
Icinga is a fork of Nagios so I don't know how I feel about it, Nagios has one of the worst config structure I've seen, defining hosts or checks in Nagios is a pain and require more babysitting than a newborn baby. I don't know if Icinga devs learned the lessons or if they continued with the mess. Nice web dashboard on top doesn't make things any better.
Icinga used to be a fork of nagios. They started from scratch for icinga2. Maybe they learned the lesson... Not really sure.
@marcinozga said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
@jmoore said in I need some ideas how to use spare server:
Host your own blog, bulletin board, Irc, mail client, and I'm running out of ideas.
Wrong direction. All that is more of a hobby. Elk stack was a good suggestion, I'm leaning towards Sensu, Vector, Salt, Consul, perhaps Snipe-It, that kind of stuff.
Sensu looks like it could be interesting. I may give that one ago too.