Linux Mint login screen modification
Latest Linux Mint on my desktop. I've been forcing myself to use different distros as daily drivers to familiarize myself more with various Linux desktop flavors.
There's a very simple setting that I had configured and now I cannot figure out where I had set it at. What's going on is my first user at the login screen doesn't show their username <fullname>, it only shows their username. This is what I wanted as a username of 'brandon' and a full name of 'brandon' shows up as 'brandon brandon' at the login screen. The new user I created is showing as that way. I didn't just enter a space in the full name, which is a work around of course.
I thought maybe it was somewhere in Administration > Login Window but there was nothing there. Also looked around in Preferences but coming up short.
Any input?
Could be in dconf settings. I don't use Cinnamon so I can't answer for sure.
@stacksofplates said in Linux Mint login screen modification:
Could be in dconf settings. I don't use Cinnamon so I can't answer for sure.
I've looked at a few files but have been coming up short. I've also been looking at where *dm.conf is stored as there was a walk through on a light desktop manager being stored in /etc/lightdm.conf and by editing that you could make visual changes to the login screen. But all I've found in /etc in regards to dm is mdm and dm, which were both dead ends.
There's a utility called dconf-editor. I'm assuming Cinnamon uses it since it's built off of Gnome 3. It's like a pseudo regedit for Gnome settings.
@stacksofplates said in Linux Mint login screen modification:
There's a utility called dconf-editor. I'm assuming Cinnamon uses it since it's built off of Gnome 3. It's like a pseudo regedit for Gnome settings.
Cinnamon does have it, it's there on Korora Cinnamon.
It had something to do with the passwd file. I thought by modifying the comment section from 'username' to nothing, that it would blank out the full name in Users and Groups. I'm guessing that comment is auto populated by the full name entered during account creation, but I suppose I need to read a little more about account creation specifics.
Now I see some clarification after a little testing. If I use the graphical tool Users and Groups, I cannot save the user by only entering the username (blank comment), I have to enter a full name which then creates a comment. But if I use adduser and just hit enter on the full name section, it doesn't create a comment automatically. Command line wins again.