IT Myths That Seem to Persist
That ZFS is magic and doesn't use RAID.
Hyper-V runs on top of Windows and is a type 2 hypervisor.
Virtualization requires SAN/shared disk.
VOIP requires it's own VLAN for QoS.
You should keep a physical domain controller (or anything).
RAID 5 on HDD is still viable.
Linux is a passing fad that'll never catch on
That files "just disappear" from <location>
That bright overhead lights reflecting off of your monitor help you see it better.
That scripting isn't programming.
That doubling everything increases system reliability.
That cloud means someone else's computer.
That you need a Nas or San, and that a server isn't safe enough for file storage.
That Steve Jobs worked in IT
This is more of a pet peeve.... but...
That all IT people are clairvoyant to the issues you're experiencing...
That obscurity is a form of security
Dustin's post reminded me.
That any job to do with a computer is IT
That Windows volume licenses don't require that you already own an OEM license.
A RAID array is the same as having a backup.
Windows patches break stuff, and should only be install as needed.