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It had nothing to do with food being on it. It was charging in the kitchen and in the path of the ants going from the electrical socket where they come out of to wherever they were looking for food. It was dark and warm so they investigated.
Just got to work about an hour ago. Doctors appt this morning.
@scottalanmiller I mean everyone wants a new laptop every now and again, but really no need to go to such lengths man
Getting all my ducks in a row, brain on overload at the moment.
Clouds coming through the Alpujarras Valley. But we are up above them so are looking down at the valley getting clouds while we are in sunlight!
Round two interview on Monday. Well three if you count the phone interview.
@thecreativeone91 Good luck.
@thecreativeone91 Good Luck.
Depending on the electronics,.. that would be a somewhat fun challenge for me. I've had many a comment that I'm just not right (in a good way) working with some of the systems I've worked with, and built...Working with computers, electronics and radios... I've adapted some things to use differently than the 'norm'. But it's been fun.
Trying really hard not to drive up to Lex and have a "talk" with our Medicaid brokers IT team
Trying to work but can't when all I get is this:
Internal Error Has Occurred
RMWP v5.5.03Cause
Error : Unable to find run -
Matt vs Fortigate - round... I can't even remember. I love these things but it's not without some effort that they work nicely.
Message meets Alert condition
File Block Detected: proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab Protocol: HTTP Source IP: ######### Destination IP: Email Address From: Email Address To:
date=2015-04-02 time=10:46:35 devname=asdf devid=asdf logid=0262008961 type=utm subtype=virus eventtype=scanerror level=notice vd="root" msg="File reached uncompressed size limit." action=passthrough service=HTTP sessionid=69664116 srcip=###### dstip= srcport=49299 dstport=80 proto=6 direction=incoming filename="proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab" quarskip=No-skip url="http://au.download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/svpk/2[...]/proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab" profile="AV-flow" agent="Microsoft" analyticscksum="121e4a8740f694d10122aaca211371430fa91a4ac962ab76ef837da5bfb28c2d" analyticssubmit=false crscore=50 crlevel=critical -
@MattSpeller said:
Matt vs Fortigate - round... I can't even remember. I love these things but it's not without some effort that they work nicely.
Message meets Alert condition
File Block Detected: proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab Protocol: HTTP Source IP: ######### Destination IP: Email Address From: Email Address To:
date=2015-04-02 time=10:46:35 devname=asdf devid=asdf logid=0262008961 type=utm subtype=virus eventtype=scanerror level=notice vd="root" msg="File reached uncompressed size limit." action=passthrough service=HTTP sessionid=69664116 srcip=###### dstip= srcport=49299 dstport=80 proto=6 direction=incoming filename="proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab" quarskip=No-skip url="http://au.download.windowsupdate.com/d/msdownload/update/software/svpk/2[...]/proof-en-us_32cefcef6dd9bed17e278a20a26fb2c029ee687d.cab" profile="AV-flow" agent="Microsoft" analyticscksum="121e4a8740f694d10122aaca211371430fa91a4ac962ab76ef837da5bfb28c2d" analyticssubmit=false crscore=50 crlevel=criticalIt is scanning a windows update?
@coliver Yep, scans everything. Sadly the size limit is too low for the windows updates, and if you set it to unlimited it can overflow the buffer. Fun times haha
Getting a contract finally signed after a year and a half trying to get the customer to make a decision! Love when things finally come together.
Listening to the marching bands play miles away down in the valley in Órgiva for Holy Week.
Shot this from the mountain this morning. Our house is two buildings left of the church tower.
@scottalanmiller said:
Shot this from the mountain this morning. Our house is two buildings left of the church tower.
That's so pretty! And seems peaceful, why are you living there?
Going out to dinner, then shopping for my Lab.
@BMarie said:
@scottalanmiller said:
Shot this from the mountain this morning. Our house is two buildings left of the church tower.
That's so pretty! And seems peaceful, why are you living there?
That's an odd question. The question should be why is anyone NOT living here? It's amazing!!
We've always wanted to live in and raise our kids in Europe. We spent over a month in 2012 over here as a "scouting mission" for the move. Took a while to get all of our ducks in a row but we finally figured it all out and moved over. Healthier lifestyle, more family friendly, great culture, healthy food, fresh air, safer... what's not to love! And so much cheaper than the US.