Teen Acts as OBGYN for a Month Before Hospital Figures It Out
This teen presented himself as a doctor and apparently worked in the hospital for a month before someone decided to check on him. The hospital made a statement that he had no access to patient areas and that he had never had access to patients. Obviously this is a patent lie as he was in a patient area caring for a patient at the time of his arrest!
Also, not only is it a complete lie based on the arrest situation, but given that neither security nor medical staff could tell that he was not a doctor there is obviously no way that they know if he did or did not have patient access during the month in which everyone believed him to be a real doctor.
I've worked in a lot of hospitals and I know that patient access is trivial. There is no conceivable way that he did not have patient access during that time.
I can't wait for the movie version of this - the next Catch Me If You Can
Wow...just wow!
What I want to know is, where there any charts on these patients? where they all paper? if not, how did he gain access?
@Dashrender said:
What I want to know is, where there any charts on these patients? where they all paper? if not, how did he gain access?
Just walked in, probably.
OK I watched the story.. perhaps that was the only time he went into a room and interacted directly with a patient. if it's found that he made any orders or prescriptions, that hospital will find itself in a world of hurt.
@Dashrender said:
OK I watched the story.. perhaps that was the only time he went into a room and interacted directly with a patient. if it's found that he made any orders or prescriptions, that hospital will find itself in a world of hurt.
Yup, it is possible that that was the only time. But that he was able to act like a doctor for a full month without them catching him means that they really don't know at all what he has been up to.
What does 'act like a doctor' mean? walking around a hospital talking to people about the weather while wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope a doctor does not make. You can't help people drawing the wrong conclusion, as long as he didn't cross the line - again, talk to patients about care, prescriptions, etc... but if all he did was walk around talking to staff about generic stuff, hell even doctor stuff...
LOL I was waiting for this
@Dashrender said:
What does 'act like a doctor' mean? walking around a hospital talking to people about the weather while wearing a white lab coat and stethoscope a doctor does not make. You can't help people drawing the wrong conclusion, as long as he didn't cross the line - again, talk to patients about care, prescriptions, etc... but if all he did was walk around talking to staff about generic stuff, hell even doctor stuff...
Hard to say. A month is a long time, though.
@Nic said:
I can't wait for the movie version of this - the next Catch Me If You Can
Catch my baby if you can?
@nadnerB "Whoops! Who would have thought they were slippery!?"
Of course this teen doesn't pretend to be a neurosurgeon or a podiatrist.... he decides to pretend to be an OBGYN. I think we all know what he was hoping to accomplish with this ruse.
@Reid-Cooper said:
Of course this teen doesn't pretend to be a neurosurgeon or a podiatrist.... he decides to pretend to be an OBGYN. I think we all know what he was hoping to accomplish with this ruse.
Tee hee. Teenagers.