Issue with Webroot
I've honestly never used Webroot. Personally stuff I'm still using a free Symantec SEP I have which slows my desktop down but hey it's free.
Most places I've worked have used either TrendMirco, Avast or McAfee (which I quickly replaced). TrendMirco was the best out of those but it had quirks with the management server and installs getting disconnected from it.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I've honestly never used Webroot. Personally stuff I'm still using a free Symantec SEP I have which slows my desktop down but hey it's free.
Most places I've worked have used either TrendMirco, Avast or McAfee (which I quickly replaced). TrendMirco was the best out of those but it had quirks with the management server and installs getting disconnected from it.
I think you're the first person I've ever heard say something positive about Trend.
@ajstringham I had a deployment with 400-400ish clients (not including servers) and 3 TrendMicro Servers and it works pretty for the most part. The bad thing is the install uses a code to register to the server instead of using the computers hostname so it can't be included in the image. There can also be pains when migrating the clients from one managment server to another it will work about 80% of the time.
I might download a trial of webroot for my mac, windows 8 and android to test it out. It seems to be highly talked of around here.
Okay already having problems with it. On Mac OS 10.10 after install if force closes chrome (doesn't even prompt you to close) and then puts chrome in a non stop loop of force close saying the extension is not installed and it will close it to install it.
Any ideas?
Wait, you have a Mac? Oh man, not another one
@thecreativeone91 said:
Okay already having problems with it. On Mac OS 10.10 after install if force closes chrome (doesn't even prompt you to close) and then puts chrome in a non stop loop of force close saying the extension is not installed and it will close it to install it.
Any ideas?
Same thing I posted above most likely.
@JaredBusch said:
The Mac client though does not install the Web Threat plugin in Chrome (my default browser). Instead it launches Safari.
I sent this thread over to some of the folks here, so I'll go bug them for a response.
@ajstringham said:
I can vouch for how lightweight Webroot is. It just works and does a really good job.
I agree. Performance wise its great
So I heard back that this shouldn't be happening every time, so that's definitely a bug or some other issue. You can contact support here and they'll be able to either fix it or get it escalated appropriately: if you want to send me your email address by PM I can enter a ticket for you and have them contact you.
for me, I will check into it at some point over the weekend and contact support then. I have not looked into it past the initial install yet.
Cool, let me know how it goes and if you need any help!