Unsolved Confused About XenOrchestra Backups
@hobbit666 Rather than creating the NFS share from within the VM, do so using the XO web console.
@hobbit666 Just register for the free trial.
One last problem can't seem to create backup jobs with Edge browser. Can't click the save button.
Works fine in Firefox and Chrome.
@hobbit666 We are cutting Edge (pun intended).
Official support is for Chrome and FF. We don't have resources to validate on all browser. But, if the issue is well identified we can fix it (like we fixed Safari issue recently). If you have info in your browser console about the issue, paste it here
Just checked and my first backups were all successful onto my NFS Share and I can see some folders there
@hobbit666 said in Confused About XenOrchestra Backups:
Just checked and my first backups were all successful onto my NFS Share and I can see some folders there
Always nice when the magic happens.
OK so new problem this time getting xo-server-transport-email installed and working.
So I've cd to /opt/xo-server where it's installed and ran
root@xenorch:/opt/xo-server# npm install --global xo-server-auth-email
but get this error:-
Installed Backup-Reports fine.
@hobbit666 Did you use sudo?
(not auth). No need to install it globally. -
@olivier said in Confused About XenOrchestra Backups:
(not auth). No need to install it globally.Then you need to update the install line
https://github.com/vatesfr/xo-server-transport-email (shows auth)
Open an issue and ideally send a PR with the fix: that would be your first (easy) contribution to the project