What is New Earth
@thanksajdotcom said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
This IS the new thread.
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I'd say we sort of fit into the "old earth" creation, as in a similar idea to how in the Hadith, I think narrated by Abu Dharr, it states that if sciences defies our interpretation of the Qur'an, then our interpretation is wrong, i.e. I don't have an issue with the age of the Earth being 4.5 billion years or the like. I must prefer the idea of self-assembling elegance (as today we're working on in the lab as far as nano tubes and so forth) over God-snaps-his-fingers and everything is instantly in this state, including in partially state of decay.
(I reposted this because even this one went off topic a bit
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
Yes... so we don't flood the other thread with theology and science-speak, lol.
Was that an intentional Bible pun?
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
Yes... so we don't flood the other thread with theology and science-speak, lol.
Was that an intentional Bible pun?
Not quite intentional, lol.
I would have guessed that New Earth, as opposed to Young Earth, would be the belief that the Earth was just created and the Bible and all of that stuff was part of the created back story. Like the Earth was just created six months ago and we all just remember being alive before then and like the dinosaurs and what have you, the Bible stories and human history were part of the "built in back story".
New isn't an apt replacement for Young.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
Yes... so we don't flood the other thread with theology and science-speak, lol.
I totally take the blame for that one, lol.
I won't go as far to say that Science will never be wrong... Look at the early days... the Earth used to be flat, and the sun used to revolve around the Earth.
But I also can't wrap my head around a scenario of putting all of the parts for a watch in the washing machine and letting it run for 50 bazillion years that at some point you would have a fully functioning watch...
But I do believe that if I jump off the roof of a building I am going to fall.
This is, personally, why I am agnostic. I understand why people choose to be atheist, but to me it doesn't make sense that so much order and function would come from unmitigated chaos. This is honestly one topic (at least as far as understanding evolution and the science behind it), I still need to do my homework on. Do I believe in a global flood like the Noah account? No. Do I believe we are here based on complete chance? No. I believe in a higher power, but do not claim to have the answers to what that higher power is. I don't think that, whatever he/she/it is, that it really has much to do with our daily affairs.
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
I have no idea what any of these Earth things you're talking about are...are they theories or something? Or are they homeschooling resources?
@thanksajdotcom said in What is New Earth:
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
I have no idea what any of these Earth things you're talking about are...are they theories or something? Or are they homeschooling resources?
These are both scientific theories and topics of theology.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
They use them interchangeably.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
Yes... so we don't flood the other thread with theology and science-speak, lol.
I totally take the blame for that one, lol.
I won't go as far to say that Science will never be wrong... Look at the early days... the Earth used to be flat, and the sun used to revolve around the Earth.
But I also can't wrap my head around a scenario of putting all of the parts for a watch in the washing machine and letting it run for 50 bazillion years that at some point you would have a fully functioning watch...
But I do believe that if I jump off the roof of a building I am going to fall.
People haven't thought the Earth was flat for at least 2,500 years, even people in the dark ages knew it to be round, though their beliefs about what was on the bottom were sometimes funny. I think it's mostly an Americanism to think people at any recent time thought the Earth was flat, largely related to the incorrect stories about Columbus.
The "Flat Earth" theory of today really came around the time biblical literalism came into fashion in the mid-19th century, largely a response to Darwinism. So, no, not even people in the 12th century took the Bible to be 100% literal.
Then again, today we also have the KJV-only crowd, which states essentially the KJV version of the Bible is the most accurate translation, which is fairly convenient since it's in English, and does create some serious issues such as if that's the case why is there a disparity between the pluralisation of "heaven(s)" in Genesis 1:2 and 2:1 from the Hebrew.
At any rate, some of them even want to go and re-translate other things backward to be "more accurate". There's more to it about how silly it is, but it's pretty over the top silly.
I've always practiced a policy of "never discuss science with those who subscribe to any religion". This has saved me immeasurable time over the years.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
The terminology may be misleading on purpose, like "intelligent design" even though, purely coincidentally, the design itself matches with Young Earth Creationism specific to American Evangelical Christianity, and yet if it's supposed to be a science, I don't think it'd be that specific.
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
And now we have a new thread thanks to @scottalanmiller
Yes... so we don't flood the other thread with theology and science-speak, lol.
I totally take the blame for that one, lol.
I won't go as far to say that Science will never be wrong... Look at the early days... the Earth used to be flat, and the sun used to revolve around the Earth.
But I also can't wrap my head around a scenario of putting all of the parts for a watch in the washing machine and letting it run for 50 bazillion years that at some point you would have a fully functioning watch...
But I do believe that if I jump off the roof of a building I am going to fall.
People haven't thought the Earth was flat for at least 2,500 years, even people in the dark ages knew it to be round, though their beliefs about what was on the bottom were sometimes funny. I think it's mostly an Americanism to think people at any recent time thought the Earth was flat, largely related to the incorrect stories about Columbus.
The "Flat Earth" theory of today really came around the time biblical literalism came into fashion in the mid-19th century, largely a response to Darwinism. So, no, not even people in the 12th century took the Bible to be 100% literal.
Then again, today we also have the KJV-only crowd, which states essentially the KJV version of the Bible is the most accurate translation, which is fairly convenient since it's in English, and does create some serious issues such as if that's the case why is there a disparity between the pluralisation of "heaven(s)" in Genesis 1:2 and 2:1 from the Hebrew.
At any rate, some of them even want to go and re-translate other things backward to be "more accurate". There's more to it about how silly it is, but it's pretty over the top silly.
That is specifically why I used early days... More so to prove a point than anything else [read: I am no historian]. Science changes as new facts come to light.
@RojoLoco said in What is New Earth:
I've always practiced a policy of "never discuss science with those who subscribe to any religion". This has saved me immeasurable time over the years.
I've known plenty of atheists with piss poor understanding of science. Of course, if one's religion clouds their ability to reason it doesn't really matter, but you can find a lot of die hard conspiracy theorists and flat earthers who are atheists too. There's one famous flat earth guy, I think his film is called "under the dome", anyway he thinks it's aliens, not God which put us in this dome.
Atheism is not an automatic sign of being reasonable or intelligent.
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
That is specifically why I used early days... More so to prove a point than anything else [read: I am no historian]. Science changes as new facts come to light.
Ha ha, but so does religion
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
@RojoLoco said in What is New Earth:
I've always practiced a policy of "never discuss science with those who subscribe to any religion". This has saved me immeasurable time over the years.
I've known plenty of atheists with piss poor understanding of science. Of course, if one's religion clouds their ability to reason it doesn't really matter, but you can find a lot of die hard conspiracy theorists and flat earthers who are atheists too. There's one famous flat earth guy, I think his film is called "under the dome", anyway he thinks it's aliens, not God which put us in this dome.
Many of those that are religious would argue that atheism must be a religion as it requires faith. Agnosticism has a strong argument for the potential to be religion free. But just as believing in a higher being requires faith, believing there is not one transfers that faith to the universe in such a way that it becomes religious.
@tonyshowoff said in What is New Earth:
@dafyre said in What is New Earth:
@scottalanmiller said in What is New Earth:
@brianlittlejohn said in What is New Earth:
@Minion-Queen said in Homeschool Resources:
@tonyshowoff said in Homeschool Resources:
@JaredBusch What is "new earth"?
Biblical Creation
Well... not quite... Its specifically Young Earth Biblical Creation. There are alot of people that believe in old earth Biblical Creation.
I've only heard Young Earth (meaning that the earth isn't old), but have not heard new earth.
We all know what they say about assumptions... but I always assumed Young Earth = New Earth? Google of Young Earth vs New Earth doesn't show anything but Young Earth vs Old earth at first glance.
The terminology may be misleading on purpose, like "intelligent design" even though, purely coincidentally, the design itself matches with Young Earth Creationism specific to American Evangelical Christianity, and yet if it's supposed to be a science, I don't think it'd be that specific.
If you throw Science out the Window and go purely and completely and totally on faith in the God of the Bible, there's still no evidence written in the Bible as to how old the Earth actually is.
If you completely throw faith out the window and go for science only, you know how old the world is, but have to accept the Washing-Machine / Watch analogy.
My point only being that atheists have the same factors pushing them to weird views of science as do those in theist religions. A desire to skew science to support belief.