If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Please welcome your first german member
@bytesnake Welcome! Now there are people here from Philippines, Germany, US and UK. I miss any?
Not sure if we have any Canadians yet. Offhand I can't remember.
Hello! My name is Art, and I'm here to spread IT knowledge and waste time... and I'm almost out of IT knowledge.
I'm Katie, I live in Tampa Bay, FL. I am the Help Desk Manager at NTG.
I own a mango tree, but it will be a few years before it can produce fruits.
In fact, there is a race between my mango tree and avocado trees to see which fruits first. -
@ajstringham said:
Not sure if we have any Canadians yet. Offhand I can't remember.
Antoni is from Toronto.
@scottalanmiller Then there are people in five countries on here! WOOHOO!
I'm from GDR too (if that counts)
And @ajstringham is from The Republic of Texas.
@bytesnake said:
@scottalanmiller said:
And @ajstringham is from The Republic of Texas.
Where the stars at night are big and bright...
@scottalanmiller you're asking for it...
@bytesnake said:
Please welcome your first german member
Marco! Whats up my friend! Good to see you here man!!
Yeah, SAM wanted me to join. How could I resist
It is very exciting to see all the new members today!
Hi i'm me, nic invited me because he thinks i'm handsome
Aww isn't that sweet
@Kimberlin I've learned that flattery will get me everywhere
Hi. My name is Denis and it's been 10 days.....oh shit. Sorry, different site.
Oh cool another name I know! Welcome Denis