Have you ever came across an article, or a headline that grabbed your attention? Have you neglected fixing a certain issue to avoid confrontation with the end user? This is for you! Priorities yourself and your daily work.
A big tip to prioritization is to stay organized, always document, and work-though major issues first! Once you have the major issues closed, smaller issues may be resolved from the major issue.
Don't forget to take some time each day for yourself. A simple 5 min break can refresh you for your next task! But don't let it become to distracting!

Posts made by svulpitta
RE: Life as a computer technician can feel like life as a Meeseeks
@DustinB3403 Exactly! I have had a time where I had to come back 3-4 times because I couldn't figure out an issue, I feel that both myself and the end user would have been more frustrated if nothing was said each visit. We were able to joke about it at one point after the 30th attempt or so.
Being social always makes the job more fun. I am debating on creating a write up on the benefits of an "Internal Community" within a company, sorta like a message board where people who more introverted to participate in discussions (if anyone would be interested in that.)
Life as a computer technician can feel like life as a Meeseeks
Hello new Mangolassi.IT friends!
I decided for my first post (that I am just re-sharing from my SW post) I would make it a discussion on my favorite topic, "computer techs" who are often referred to as "tech guy." I was a computer technician for a K-12 district for over 7 years and learned a ton while doing so. When you are in a situation when you are only present for issues people tend to only think of you as a break fix solution to all issues in their life. Life Mr Meeseeks - We live in a box and stop existing after we completed the task.
I would like to encourage more computer techs to discuss issues, have conversations, and overall engage with end user. Engagement is one of the many things I did well as a computer tech. I always loved starting up a conversation while fixing a computer or ipad. It allowed me to look forward to certain teachers as well!
One thing I noticed with one of our newer techs was that teachers didn't seem to be fond of him. Sure he came in fixed the issue, but no real communication. Teachers often had the problem another 2 or 3 more times before it was fully resolved. The tech was not communicating enough with the end user, and the end user kept making the same mistakes causing him to come out.
Once we realized the tech was not communicating enough, we addressed the issue and teachers seemed to like him more and where overall much happier when he left. I understand our end users are not always the most pleasant but creating a link and common interest helps our jobs in the long run and improves overall workflow in the company or school.
5 Great Conversation Starters!
What type of phone do you have?
What did you do this past weekend?
Did you see that viral ____ YouTube video? It was all over my social media today.
Working on anything exciting lately?
Do you have any trips coming up?It is important to note that you should just keep things light but professional, and if the end user does not want to talk don't push it.
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
@Dashrender Our NTG actually stands for Network Technology Group. (Full name ThinkTank Network Technology Group)
https://www.facebook.com/thinktankntg/ - If you would like to check out our Social
RE: If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Hello everyone!
I am Stephen, I am the Marketing guy over at ThinkTankNTG, we are a MSP company that also offers a HelpDesk platform for schools called "ThinkHelpDesk" I am pleased to meet all of you and already had some sensible chuckles when I read over these posts! What a great community to be apart of! I was introduced to this site by @scottalanmiller over on SW based on one of my "Best Practices" posts! Be on the look out I will be sharing it here soon!
Thanks everyone! and have an awesome day!