As a means of getting better acquainted with Python 3 I've decided to create a script that does a bit of web scraping on and informs me when the state of any particular Google App is less than peachy(or not green to be exact).
I figure I would run this on a 15 minute interval and have it inform me via email if any of the services that we use have a status other than green, with the exception of gmail (because emailing me when I don't have email would be kinda pointless...); in that case I would have it send me a SMS.
Does this seem like a reasonable use for Python? Is there an API I'm overlooking that I could use instead of scraping?
Looking for opinions and/or criticism.
---Added Github Repo---
import smtplib
from selenium import webdriver
import time
driver = webdriver.PhantomJS()
# Dictionary referencing each service's row position within the table displaying their current status
app_services = {
'Gmail' : 2,
'Calendar' : 3,
'Messenger' : 4,
'Drive' : 5,
'Docs' : 6,
'Sheets' : 7,
'Slides' : 8,
'Drawings' : 9,
'Sites' : 10,
'Groups' : 11,
'Admin console' : 12,
'Postini' : 13,
'Hangouts' : 14,
'Vault' : 15
for key, value in app_services.items():
service_name = driver.find_element_by_xpath('//table/tbody/tr[%d]/td[2]' % value).text
service_status = driver.find_element_by_xpath('/html/body/div[2]/div[1]/div[3]/table/tbody/tr[%d]/td[1]/span' % value).get_attribute('class')
#Check the status of services, if not "green" send notification email.
if service_status != 'aad-green-circle':
content = 'There is currently a problem with %s!\n\nCheck for further information directly relevant to the outage.\n' % service_name
subject = '%s Service Interruption' % service_name
message = 'Subject: %s\n\n%s' % (subject, content)
#Credentials of the account authenticating with Google's SMTP server
email = '[email protected]'
password = 'app-password'
#Person to be notified of service outage/downtime
sender_address = '[email protected]'
recipient_address = '[email protected]'
mail = smtplib.SMTP('',587)
mail.sendmail(sender_address, recipient_address, message)