Neither, but some areas of note just from looking at that site briefly:
"To begin with you need atleast three servers, but the more the better.
To be able to use as much raw disk as possible it's better to build many nodes rather then less nodes with lot's of storage disk in them."
"All data is stored in multiple copies and possibly geographically separated locations within the cluster."
"Start as small as four nodes"
There are some strangely semi-conflicting statements within the site itself, and seeing the word "possibly" when describing where your data stripes are distributed within the cluster doesn't really fill me with too much confidence. You could always try it in the lab, but I haven't seen or heard of anyone using it in production at this moment in time. Also I'm not sure what your node count is looking like but if you're in the 2-4 range I'd recommend just sticking with what's industry proven.