Besides the obvious IM clients, there is msg.

Best posts made by PSX_Defector
RE: Sending a note to a customer's managed PC using GFI remotemanagement
RE: What happened to AJ?
Hey, I may be many things, a hedonist, a misogynist, a roller derby girl, but I'm not a war criminal.
RE: RemoteApp and Bandwidth Usage
@NetworkNerd said:
@coliver said:
@NetworkNerd said:
I think we have some network issues to sort out over there. The users at this remote site have no web filter and are pulling files, a company intranet site, Epicor, e-mail, and most everything else from the main site. There is one Engineering server over at this site that synchronizes with a server at the main site occasionally, but I was thinking we had verified that this is only happening in the evenings.
This seems like quite a bit of traffic going over a T1, how many users do you have over there? Do some of them stream music/video? Do you use a client based email system where some users will be downloading the same attachment multiple times (more then one user downloading the same attachment?)
We have about 10 users total. I'm not 100% certain about the streaming aspect, but I would think if anyone knew they were streaming they would quickly be lynched as the people over there know they have limited bandwidth.
We use Exchange 2010 hosted at our main site (clients using cached Exchange mode). But users at this site normally tell us things pick up when Engineers are not over there working.
Yeup, someone is slurping bandwidth.
Can you get a second pipe into the place, cheap DSL or Cable? I have a Peplink 300 I can loan out to you, can handle 15Mbps total worth of traffic, more than enough for a single T1 and a 6Mpbs pipe. Don't even have to do anything on the T1/VPN side of things, just put it into drop in mode and set up some rules to shuffle HTTP/HTTPS traffic over the cheap pipe.
That way you can bug management to get a bigger pipe into the place. Or a bigger Peplink.
RE: Cruising is finally coming into this century
@scottalanmiller said:
@Dominica said:
That's an unrealistic view for someone who is running or is vital to a company, especially a small one. One important person being unreachable for any length of time could be catastrophic.
Any businessman, sales person, marketing or critical IT staffer would be eliminated instantly. Pretty much no mid level or higher business position would want to be completely cut off. Too much risk, too much stress for no reason.
Even in large Fortune 100s, once you are out of the trenches, you need to be reachable.
You know who I work for, no one cog is so critical that they can never go on vacation or be unaccessable.
Any business worth it's salt can easily spread the load between others to ensure coverage. SPOF is bad, bad, bad. Or you can be like me during my Spherion years, I made the network hum so well I could go away for a month without having a single issue.
RE: Elastix 2.5 Audio Issues
Crap internal call quality does usually point to something local. If someone is on site, can you take two phones and plug them into the switch directly while removing all the others? Maybe something is flooding the switch with shitty packets.
Another spot to check would be the Hyper-V interfaces. Are you sharing a single NIC with the rest of the environment? Is it setup properly to the switch with regards to speed and duplex? Are you having any throughput issues through SMB or other local protocols?
See @Minion-Queen, this is what happens when you try to get a hold of me in the morning.
RE: Huzzah for Me!
@ajstringham said:
@PSX_Defector said:
@JaredBusch said:
@Carnival-Boy said:
You sure? ML is indexed by search engines. Someone Googling "A J Stringham McAfee" may well end up here and that could be bad news for you.
Seriously, this. I cannot believe you even THOUGHT to say they would never see this. Social media searching is very common practice now for corporations large enough to have a dedicated HR department.
Why do you think I keep my employer a vague secret, not to mention my real name?
The first word of anything in life is keep your fucking mouth shut. Get arrested, lawyer up and shut your mouth. Get a new job, stroll in, keep your mouth shut until you learn the lay of the land. Join a forum, lurk and watch before spewing forth. Go into a bar, sit down and order a beer and people watch for a bit.
Oh, and a certain conference that is coming up? A certain someone shouldn't be going because he will be balls deep in training.
I'm not missing Spiceworld @PSX_Defector . Just not happening. They said training should only be about a week.
Bad, bad idea.
And you want to take a lot of time off, almost a week? Bad juju when starting a job. And just because you are not in "training" doesn't mean you are out of training.
RE: Lookup telephone number providers?
@JaredBusch said:
While my St. Louis region voice pulse numbers all show McLeodUSA Telecommunication Services, Inc
Of note with this. Only the voice pulse lines have intermittent issues calling some numbers.
Been trying to find a problem. This may be the cause.
McLeod is a third string voice provider in the grand scheme of things, but they should have plenty of interconnects to the POTS network to route that call properly. Almost everyone in VoIP buys numbers from someone else. That's why Level3 showed up for your other lines. It keeps the VoIP provider in numbers across the country and keeps Level3 in easy money.
For your problem, gotta narrow it down. IntraLATA, InterLATA? Specific exchanges or specific numbers? SIP to SIP? SIP to POTS? Cross carriers? Or the ever so fun forward to external number that happens to be international.
RE: Original "V" Mini-Series
@garak0410 said:
it is worth watching both V and V: The Final Battle...the weekly 80's series, as mentioned, started strong but ended very badly (IE badly written and acted)...
What? Was this not good enough acting for ya?
RE: Possible website migration
Damn it, it doesn't work for a dedicated cloud environment.
But I can spin me up a Big Dog.
One thing I've noticed, everything is presented to the world without restriction. Any chance we can get a firewall option, hide our boxes behind that? Would make me feel a lot better if I can present only port 23/80/443 instead of all the ports on my boxes. One dev box as a SSH proxy to get into them, also use it as the RDP gateway to manage Windows as well.
Don't need a license for something like the ASA, just a blank VM to load pfSense on and some VLAN setups on the backend. Don't know if the API supports such a method.
RE: Minion Tattoos
@scottalanmiller said:
Let's hope that @Minion-Queen doesn't require us to all have those now.
She's got a better way.
RE: Error in restarting the service of Firewall
@thecreativeone91 said:
Give him a chance and get off your high horse.
Digs at AJ not withstanding, there's a reason why I don't respond to this guy's posts. He's pulling a Slade on us.
He posts things, people respond, and then everything is "fixed". He's asking basic Google-Fu type questions. We don't need a Slade here.
RE: Random Thread - Anything Goes
@scottalanmiller said:
The kids decided to descend on us in bed tonight. It's a snuggle night here.
IOW, you ain't getting some tonight.
RE: CloudatCost OpenDNS Issue
@Bill-Kindle said:
Not to mention, but you may also be violating the TOC of your FIOS connection from Verizon since you are on a consumer plan.
Now here's something that I do know the law talkin' about.
No major ISP, from Google Fiber to AT&T to Comcast, allows "servers" on their residential connections. What constitutes a "server" is up for major debate. Needless to say, most don't care. They care more if you are slurping down bandwidth like me at an open bar.
And even if it was hosted on a residential connection, again, its breach of contract. The remedy from VZ et. al. would be to disconnect you. Not send you to the gulag.
RE: RANT: All the Issues are My Fault and You Won't Answer My Questions
@thecreativeone91 said:
@thanksajdotcom said:
It's the reason I'm good at my job and why people come back to see ME and ONLY me
So the store would close down if you left? Was it not open before you started?
The first rule of being indispensable is to come to the understanding that you are totally dispensable.
Given that Staples ran just fine without you for your time in Texas says to me that you are over-inflating your self-importance.
Now get back to work.
RE: Analog Answering machine: recommendations
@g.jacobse said:
This one could be for @thanksajdotcom
Looking for a answering machine that will allow the message to be changed remotely.
Doesn't have to be fancy - just that it allows for the manager to call in and change the announce message.
Edited To clarify:
- Analog - phone line (POTS)
- Media - digital or what have you.
Why not use Asterisk? Hook up an FXS card to the box, have it route to a VM box. Easy peasy if you already have one on site.
If not, shouldn't take but a few minutes to setup one or even setup one in the cloud for that.
RE: At first I thought the article was about SAM
@scottalanmiller said:
The "locked in the garage" incident, which I should say that the police stopped me and deemed me to be fine, involved something like....
Each FDP is a full sized 16oz beer, plus a shot of liqueur and Bacardi 151 on top. So quite a bit more than a single "shot" value.It's actually about 8oz. They are served in 12oz glasses about half full. And Lone Star generally runs about 4.5%ABV
They aint lightweight by any means with the Bacardi.
RE: FiOS Router Issues and Non-Technical Landlords
@thecreativeone91 said:
You could always call AT&T and ask them why there connection doesn't work well when you illegally download torrents.
You laugh, but I've actually had this call once. Dumb shit kid was complaining that his downloads were slow. Went through our favorite subcontinent for not understanding shit and got to me at level 3 because I was taking calls as a level 2 guy. The first question I asked was "Where are you downloading from?" "BitTorrent" was his reply. After properly chastising the T1 agent for his inability to ask even the most basic of questions, I promptly educated the customer on the inconsistent nature of distributed downloads.
RE: Other network gear HP PoE switches
Will five dorrar make you hollar? It switch long time!
RE: CAPLOCK is on.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@Aaron-Studer Just tell them I think your capslock might be on.