This shit still doesn't work properly through the EdgeOS-provided /etc/init.d/openvpn
script. If you do /etc/init.d/openvpn status
or systemctl status openvpn
you get a green-light active (exited) but this is deceiving because it's a one-shot service and not a proper systemd daemon. systemctl edit --full
shows the following piece of crap "service":
Description=OpenVPN service
? Are you fucking kidding me, Ubiquiti? I pay thousands of €s for your shit and you still manage to be so bad at Linuxing. At least don't pretend you have a service or properly document your shit, ubnt. suggests that reset openvpn interface
works but… it didn't. You can try it before you try the following.
What helped me was to change settings so the config got regenerated. For example you could set
or delete
the following option:
interfaces openvpn vtun0 openvpn-option "--cipher AES-256-CBC"
then commit
and see with sudo ss -lpn | grep :1194
that the thing's started. If OpenVPN is running or doesn't restart, you can killall openvpn
a few times with forced Enter (hit the Enter key very hard, it's important) before you change the settings.
Just wanted to mention this to anyone finding this thread through "openvpn restart edgerouter doesn't work" in google or similar. I hope I sweared enough for my first fucking post in this damn nice forum