Excellent article and so wonderful that you give credit to the self taught. My grandfather (near the end of his lifetime) was considered to be the "World's Foremost Authority" on textile mills. Papa only had a second grade formal education. One day while talking about my choices for employment and education, I ask about how he picked his new hires. He said, "I will hire a B-C student every single day before I hire an A student." I looked at him puzzled. Papa replied to my puzzled look and said, "A B-C student is always willing to learn anything you are willing to teach them. An A student thinks they already know it all."
When I got out and started my own businesses I thought about the things Papa had told me. I often wondered if they were true or even close to true. I have been to school several times and have been a 4.0 student (but that was for ME not anyone else) and have watched people around me, people I have hired, people I have worked for... Papa was right. Scott your article is correct also. I would much rather work with a mind who is willing to continue to learn every day!