@scottalanmiller My wife and Slava talked me into going. Wife said I would miss my friends and Slava said I needed to come to meet the new SW.

Posts made by dengelhardt
RE: SpiceWorld 2023
RE: SpiceWorld 2023
@scottalanmiller I’m going to skip SpiceWorld for the first time in 13 years. Retirement todos, my wife had cataract surgeries, house remodeling all have a higher priority. But I will miss all my friends. I’m
RE: Sodium Update! New Dashboard!
Just installed. I want to see what it can do.
RE: Allow non administrator users to install printers
@JaredBusch ,
How do you get the drivers to the printers through GPO if not using a print server? Do allow non-admins to install the drivers? -
RE: Allow non administrator users to install printers
@Sparkum ,
I use GPOs to install and manage printers across 12 locations. Even the CEO is for it. -
RE: Updating the Linux boot image before migrating from VMWare to Hyper-V
I've successfully migrated several Ubuntu VMs from ESXi and XenServer to HyperV 2012 by exporting the VM and then using Starwind's VHD converter. I've not had to run any scripts on the Linux VMs before shutting them down and exporting.
RE: Would you eat an ice cream flavor labeled HomeBrew Vanilla Stout?
Any stout with ice cream is a treat but chocolate is best. Ingredients for a typical chocolate stout include dark malt extract, two-row or Munich malt, crystal malt, and chocate malt which gives it the chocolate taste. Some brewers will use malt sugars or brown sugar but I prefer to stay with malts. Some brewers will add chocolate nibs for more chocolate flavor but syrup is too sweet. Usually has an alcohol content between 4.8 and 5.6 but an imperial can go to 9.4 as long as the alcohol doesn't overpower the flavor.
RE: Would you eat an ice cream flavor labeled HomeBrew Vanilla Stout?
Sorry about not replying sooner. Life gets in the way sometimes. I usually fill a large mug with Blue Bell HomeMade Vanilla ice cream, then fill the mug with my chocolate stout. I allow the beer to start breaking down the ice cream and mix it to the consistency fo soft soft serve. Had some tonight with my latest imperial chocolate stout and it was great.
RE: Got tired of waiting for someone to update their subcategories plugin. for Helpdesk V2...
Going to try adding this tomorrow
RE: Network Related Doubt
The Yellow Exclamation mark on the network icon only indicates that the computer cannot communicate with Microsoft's contact server. There could be many explanations including DNS, gateways, routes, etc. If you can ping computer A with B and B with A, that should mean the ethernet connection is OK. If you can ping the gateway with both computers, your LAN is OK. If you can ping some host like outside your network, your computer is OK. The MS Teredo Tunnel Interface is a type of VPN connection and you don't normally need it. My computer does not even have that interface. If A and B can't communicate also check your IPSEC service. Try turning it off because it can prevent TCP/IP from working. Also, a good test is to go to a command line and type "netsh winsock reset" which will set TCP/IP parameters back to default and will aid your trouble-shooting.
RE: Money or Happiness?
Stay put. Take the EZ Expert position. It fits you. Management is a headache and you will be responsible for things you have not even thought of yet. The Expert position is something you know and can do well. You are only responsible for results. You have a lot of friends who like you and wish you the best, but when you take on a role you are not ready for, you tend to become over-bearing and rub people the wrong way. Take some time, and learn from others. If you jump before you are ready, you set yourself up for failure. The job offer may look sweet "in six months" but most businesses now also have a 90 day probationary period where you can be let go without a reason. Being late once is all they need to say goodbye. That is extremely risky. Telling Staples goodbye when they have offered you an advancement will mean you can't go back without taking a cut in pay and respect. You need a sure thing for a while. If you want a CCNA, get it on your own. It will be worth more to you then. In all our conversations I have not heard you talk networks, so I am not sure why you are looking at that now.
RE: Migrate Exchange 2003 Public Folders to Exchange 2013
You should be able to export the Public Folders into a mailbox pst file and then import them into a mailbox in Exchange 2013. Theoretically that will work according to Microsoft.
RE: Anyone want to help beta test Webroot?
And I just installed Eset on an updated computer. But, because it can coincide deal me in. One of my customers came to me with Webroot installed and it did a much better job than his Norton equipped PC.
Would you eat an ice cream flavor labeled HomeBrew Vanilla Stout?
I am trying to get Blue Bell to initiate a new flavor based on my chocolate stout mixed with their Homemade Vanilla ice cream. I mix it at home and it is delicious as a frosted drink. Just thought I'd share with the world and start a new career in brewing full time.
RE: Cool New Features of iOS 8.1
I really like the double-tap to lower the screen to make it possible to hit the top without using two hands. I am also enjoying the word prompts that speed up all my text entries.
RE: Considering Filing a Harassment Claim
You could also surround your listening area with drapes or tapestry. Also check your entire apartment for hard surfaces and cover as many as possible with something soft like pillows and towels.
RE: Considering Filing a Harassment Claim
Direct your sound down and put thick rugs on the floor. That will help prevent bounce and keep direct echoes from hitting the ceiling. Poor man's sound-proofing. Also, you could find a way to put your speakers closer to wear you sit.
RE: 30 Years Ago This Year in Technology I.....
30 years ago I was teaching 8th grade students to animate graphics on Commodore 64 computers networked to share 5.25" floppy drives and printers. I also picked up my first and only certification on computers- Commodore Repair.
RE: The VLAN Debate: Explaining Why They Aren't the Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
I, too, have some hubs in storage. They make a quick and dirty port mirror when you want to examine traffic on a network. That said, if a printer is emitting "dirty traffic", then it needs to be configured to eliminate all of the protocols not in use on that network, shut down NetBIOS traffic, and he would be surprised how clean the printer could be. As for VLANs, I have been prompted to put VLANs in for my voice traffic, but I prefer to separate my voice and data physically when possible because it eliminates sharing the network up to the router, and optimizes my PoE switches. This also eliminates the need for more expensive L3 switches. In our case some of the phones act as a switch for the user's computer, and traffic would be doubled on the wire if it had to go to the router before returning to the other devices.
RE: Is There No Base of IT Knowledge?
I forgot to mention that my formal education is in Music (Bachelor of Education) and Educational Administration. I firmly believe the elements of structure found in music lead to success in IT. My interests were piqued by Moog.