Hey man, been working like crazy, I lurk but don't get a chance to post very often.

Posts made by computerchip
RE: BitCoin
RE: BitCoin
I read this thread this morning with my morning coffee, was a great re-read.
RE: Installing Windows 10 without a Microcoft account
@Dashrender I did an install last weekend of a freshly created usb installer from MS website, and there was no option to create local for the home version.
RE: It's on the tip of my tongue
@wrx7m said in It's on the tip of my tongue:
@computerchip That term wouldn't necessarily indicate the data is old/unused. It means that the data is decentralized and possibly unaccounted for.
Here, I will requote what I said in case you missed it the first time.
"computerchip about 23 hours ago
I figured out the word I was looking for, although my definition above as I remembered it, was not correct." -
RE: It's on the tip of my tongue
I figured out the word I was looking for, although my definition above as I remembered it, was not correct.
Data Sprawl was the term I was looking for.
RE: Spiceworks Platform API Removal
Am I missing something here? The article you linked states: "When are these changes happening?
Monday, August 28, 2017."@scottalanmiller said in Spiceworks Platform API Removal:
RE: Change Drive Letter with PowerShell
What about using:
Get-Partition -DriveLetter F | Set-Partition -NewDriveLetter E
It's on the tip of my tongue
What is the technical term for old unused data taking up space on your storage devices? There is a technical term for it, like a very specific word of phrase, and I can't for the life of me remember it.
RE: Crypto Predictions
So where this MangoLassi currency at Scott? We can use it to tip people for helping with our IT issues.
RE: PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source
@jaredbusch said in PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source:
@scottalanmiller said in PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source:
@computerchip said in PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source:
Have you tried out AbleWord?
Haven't even heard of it.
Because it is dead.
No updates since 2015. Requires .Net 2/3.5 be enabled
I still use notepad all the time and it's the same interface and functions as it did 15 years ago. I wouldn't call it dead.
RE: PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source
@scottalanmiller Check it out, see if that will work for you.
RE: PDF Editor Alternatives, Preferably Open Source
Have you tried out AbleWord?
RE: Crypto Predictions
I saw that.
Not sure how I feel about all ads, but the ICO ads are definitely annoying. -
RE: Spiceworks: Error message: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
@scottalanmiller "just toggle it back and forth"
RE: Crypto Predictions
@momurda said in Crypto Predictions:
Looks like I am not the only one.
https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/02/bill-gates-says-cryptocurrencies-have-caused-deaths-in-a-fairly-direct-way/So yes, crypto is more anonymous than cash. I don't see how the death or kidnapping really plays into it? Has there been research done showing a significant increase in those directly attributed to cryptos?
What about the number of crypto related deaths vs the number of malnutrition related deaths?
I mean I really don't see the correlation.
I also don't subscribe to the notion that "because Gates said it" makes it the holy world of tech or crypto.
RE: Crypto Predictions
@irj said in Crypto Predictions:
@computerchip said in Crypto Predictions:
@irj said in Crypto Predictions:
@scottalanmiller said in Crypto Predictions:
@rojoloco said in Crypto Predictions:
@irj said in Crypto Predictions:
@computerchip said in Crypto Predictions:
@guyinpv said in Crypto Predictions:
My knowledge of crypto is out of date by about 10 years. I used to mine when it pretty much only BTC, then I got into LiteCoin and DoggCoin etc.
When my wallet became like a full gigabyte and I wanted a little processing power for myself, I kinda fell out of it.
Now there are 1700 crypto coins and I don't have a clue what makes one "better" or "worse" than another. They are all just blockchain right? Or wallet services? Or fancy programs and apps that surround it?
Why are there 1700 cryptocoins? What is still being discovered that makes one or another better? A cuter mascot?
How are they solving some of the inherent problems with it? For example theft or wallets being lost or stolen? Those coins are just gone forever, never to be back in the market? This seems to me like a currency with an absolute max number of coins (and ability to lose them is not uncommon), available coins will simply dwindle over time.
Is the problem of humongous wallets and processing power needed, solved? I don't want to lug around 10GB of the world's daily transactions on my computer all the time, or forget to open an app and have to wait 3 days for it to catch up with updates.
With a decentralized nature of these systems, who do you complain to about bad transactions? Is there a refund system like credit cards have chargebacks? If someone steals from you can you complain to someone and get it back? Didn't used to be able to.
Like I said, my knowledge is about 10 years old. I need a refresher and understand why so many, what are the real differences, what makes one better than another, how are wallets and security handled now?
And I'm supposed to be a nerd and I can't keep on top of this. What are the chances the general public are ever going to care to learn or use it or anything else? Why I get change back from a store, I get dimes and nickles and dollars. I don't get a choice of 82 different currency variations with all different exchange rates.
I don't see adoption happening until people can say, here, THIS one is "cryptocurrency". Try it. Not 862 variations, no doubt created by people hoping to win the lottery, take a bunch of coins early, hope it goes well so they can cash out later. I don't know.I stopped reading after you said your knowledge of crypto was 10 years outdated and when you said doggcoin.
Can you send me some doggcoin?
Is that Snoop's cryptocurrency?
That's wha tthey use in Bogata, Romania
Dogecoin is actually a really nice coin for small transactions. The fees are very minimal even compared to litecoin.
I was able to put the down payment on our new house last year because of an investment in Dogecoin.
But dogecoin/bitcoin is fake money....
TIL I used fake money to put a large down payment on a new house.
:money-mouth_face: :face_with_stuck-out_tongue_winking_eye:
RE: Crypto Predictions
@irj said in Crypto Predictions:
@scottalanmiller said in Crypto Predictions:
@rojoloco said in Crypto Predictions:
@irj said in Crypto Predictions:
@computerchip said in Crypto Predictions:
@guyinpv said in Crypto Predictions:
My knowledge of crypto is out of date by about 10 years. I used to mine when it pretty much only BTC, then I got into LiteCoin and DoggCoin etc.
When my wallet became like a full gigabyte and I wanted a little processing power for myself, I kinda fell out of it.
Now there are 1700 crypto coins and I don't have a clue what makes one "better" or "worse" than another. They are all just blockchain right? Or wallet services? Or fancy programs and apps that surround it?
Why are there 1700 cryptocoins? What is still being discovered that makes one or another better? A cuter mascot?
How are they solving some of the inherent problems with it? For example theft or wallets being lost or stolen? Those coins are just gone forever, never to be back in the market? This seems to me like a currency with an absolute max number of coins (and ability to lose them is not uncommon), available coins will simply dwindle over time.
Is the problem of humongous wallets and processing power needed, solved? I don't want to lug around 10GB of the world's daily transactions on my computer all the time, or forget to open an app and have to wait 3 days for it to catch up with updates.
With a decentralized nature of these systems, who do you complain to about bad transactions? Is there a refund system like credit cards have chargebacks? If someone steals from you can you complain to someone and get it back? Didn't used to be able to.
Like I said, my knowledge is about 10 years old. I need a refresher and understand why so many, what are the real differences, what makes one better than another, how are wallets and security handled now?
And I'm supposed to be a nerd and I can't keep on top of this. What are the chances the general public are ever going to care to learn or use it or anything else? Why I get change back from a store, I get dimes and nickles and dollars. I don't get a choice of 82 different currency variations with all different exchange rates.
I don't see adoption happening until people can say, here, THIS one is "cryptocurrency". Try it. Not 862 variations, no doubt created by people hoping to win the lottery, take a bunch of coins early, hope it goes well so they can cash out later. I don't know.I stopped reading after you said your knowledge of crypto was 10 years outdated and when you said doggcoin.
Can you send me some doggcoin?
Is that Snoop's cryptocurrency?
That's wha tthey use in Bogata, Romania
Dogecoin is actually a really nice coin for small transactions. The fees are very minimal even compared to litecoin.
I was able to put the down payment on our new house last year because of an investment in Dogecoin.
RE: Crypto Predictions
@scottalanmiller said in Crypto Predictions:
Interesting quote from the article: "He passed away while he was sleeping and [his] heart [had] already stopped beating when he was found dead.”
It's always rough when you find them dead while their heart is still beating...