@dafyre No, I wanted to make sure that before I promoted it I was not missing anything. Like I said it just seems too easy so I am questioning myself.

Posts made by bbiAngie
RE: Secondary Domain Controller Setup
Secondary Domain Controller Setup
I am working on setting up a new virtual secondary DC to replace our current one that is physical. I have read so many articles and think I have the process down but since I have never done this before, I am hesitant. (Like when you read a walk through and it seems too easy, so you think you must be missing something)
So I have setup the VM, its on the domain, it has a static IP address, I have installed AD services
Question I think the answer is yes but want to verify: Should I have DNS installed on the secondary DC as well?
If yes, the next step is to go into AD Directory services and point it back to my PDC to replicate?
I know I will need to go in and fix DNS stuff but since right now the other 2 are working, I am going to wait until the 3rd is replicated 1st. (plan is to decommission one of them once the 3rd is up and running properly)
RE: Help with Touch Enabled Laptop Screen on Acer Aspire
@Jason You were spot on with the grey cable. Thanks!
My mission was successful. Its working. Only have about 40 minutes total into it. 1/2 that was while eating lunch yesterday! -
RE: Help with Touch Enabled Laptop Screen on Acer Aspire
I have a method. Problem is when she dropped it she broke some important screw mounts. so far its going together well though
RE: Help with Touch Enabled Laptop Screen on Acer Aspire
As long as I have time for it yea. Usually its small stuff. This one is on the more difficult side of what I usually do but it doesn't take long to take apart a laptop.
Help with Touch Enabled Laptop Screen on Acer Aspire
So one of my users brought me her daughters laptop. She dropped it on the corner and the glass on the front broke. Since this is a touchscreen. I am thinking if I disconnect the touch panel, the LCD should continue to work okay. The problem is that I have no idea which one is the "plug" for the touch interface. Can anyone here help me out? It is an Acer Aspire V5-571P-6649. -
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
Well you also have to consider that some people define "gaming" as farmville, bejewled and candy crush....
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
@RojoLoco Sad thing is, that will probably not run much for games......Many of the newer generation games require at least an i5/AMD FX-8000 line processor and a big beefy gpu to go with it.
**Still an awesome thing to win!
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
@RojoLoco Definitely worth trying out if you have the hardware to support it. I found out that it makes my GPU overheat. I had to take the cover off the side of my case this weekend because I was seeing the temps creep up near 85c. After the cover off it stayed below 82c. I think I need to take a look at my case fan placement...
RE: Gaming - What's everyone playing / hosting / looking to play
I bought Dying Light last weekend and it has been a TON of fun playing. I typically suck at 1st person games but this one has been easy to adapt to. Plus, slashing zombies with a machete is awesome! I have a few other games I bounce between too. Cities: Skyline, Atlantica Online, Diablo3, and Minecraft.
RE: Are Security Careers Real?
@scottalanmiller said:
@bbiAngie said:
One company might focus on HIPPA compliance while the other one is more concerned about what their employees are doing over lunch break. Each of those require people with totally different talents. At least in my opinion.
I don't think that HIPAA is normally considered security. I've worked in HIPAA and it is normally considered a compliance topic rather than security. Your focus is not about actually securing things but simply meeting compliance requirements. Related in a way, but not the same focus.
I get what you are saying, but often when you are meeting the requirements, you are securing your digital assets. I was more or less saying that each company defines security differently. Because of that it makes it hard to define what exactly a security career might be.
RE: Are Security Careers Real?
I have a follow up question.
Security of what? People say security but I think the bigger question is, how is the company defining security. Because security from one company to the next might mean 2 different things.
One company might focus on HIPPA compliance while the other one is more concerned about what their employees are doing over lunch break. Each of those require people with totally different talents. At least in my opinion.
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
haha okay well I will entertain anything else anyone suggests but so far Pidgin is the one I like the best!
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
I like the look of pidgin. Will probably go that route.
Thanks again for all the help. That wasn't nearly as bad as I was thinking it would be. At least now I can say I have successfully done some Linux stuff!!
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
What are your favorite clients? I am curious as to what people use. I am not sure my users are going to like spark. Looking for one that is stupid easy. My users like simple and plain and ZERO change. I can compromise with simple and plain, don't care if they don't like the change, its happening!
RE: OpenFire Server
My biggest deal was that when I took the class, my book was a few versions behind the OS version they gave us. All of my homework was explaining what it should do and why it wasn't doing it. It was a huge turn off for me.
After this experience, I will not automatically disregard Linux as a viable option.
RE: OpenFire Server
Everything seems to be working as intended. I just need to add users and groups. Possibly add a few firewall rules to my gpo. I did run into a couple issues but adding a few firewall rules on the Openfire Server seemed to do the trick. Thank you all for your help. I doubt I would have been as successful without your help. Thanks to all of you Linux is not as evil in my mind now! I call that a good day!
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
I hate out messaging solution. The message history is awful, the interface looks like garbage and each message stacks in a new box on top of another instead of having a chat window.
We tried LAN messenger but didn't like that at all. So hopefully this gets us close to what we need. Only issue I see is that no on will log in so hopefully I can setup some auto login stuff on the client. -
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
I thought about it a little bit. There are some aspects of AD integration and SSO that totally make sense in out environment. However, I think I am going to stick with using the "vanilla" setup. I think in the end it will make the most sense. We have a few users that go by different names than their windows logins so it might be easier to just manually manage user creation and such.
RE: Installing OpenFire with MariaDB on CentOS 7
Is AD integration with SSO even worth considering?