Hi Awesome Community,
I am about to create a custom setup for Elastix v4 in AWS.
The Company already running this version on premis and now we need to make it in AWS, So
I have created an RDS MySQL and now Asterisk connects to a remote database to just make it ready for Autoscaling and be stateless, Everything is perfect to this point.
I also tried to setup an AWS network Load balancer to manage the traffic between Elastix nodes "Initially 2 nodes" and also i can register normally using that NLB into my softphone, The issue that i face now is that there is no voice signal in the call although the security group of the Elastix EC2s are passing the RTP ports normally !!
Noting that when i want to make call using the Elastix nodes IP addresses , the call is perfect and voice is normal and clear.
Is anyone tried to do a similar setup ?
What could be the reason behind this issue ?
Do i need to work with something like "OpenSIPs" as a load balancer instead of the AWS NLB ?