Learn Veeam, get certified, FREE.
Going to add this to my records.
They had that for a while. Great resource.
Yeah I saw that before. The cert part is not terribly complex. The videos and the Friday sessions (along with playing) was how I learned the product.
I could definitely learn the ins and outs better.. thanks for posting this... now.. when will I have time to watch/read/absorb... LOL
Love this resource because of valuable materials and no registration required
Sweet, it's now bookmarked, I'll end up checking this out in the near future, during downtime at work. Thanks Bill
I keep wanting to do that too but never find the time.
I got lucky as the Boss of me wants me to at least get in about 4 hours a week to do training & learning. So I have you awesome genii (<- my new pluralization of genius) & all the great sites/articles you guys post.
Genii is an accepted pluralization of genius. But it is uncommon as it is like jinni.
I would also recommend taking a look at out Community Forums since they contain tons of useful information, real-world examples, undocumented and creative workarounds, etc.