Zabbix 3.0 Has Released
Way nicer than before! That's for sure.
Only seen the dashboard and that looks more modern and cleaner.
Will have a good play tomorrow and get some hosts set-up and running -
Upgrade time for the test bunny (appliance). -
Thanks to @scottalanmiller and his Linux training I try to install today Zabbix 3.0 in Centos 7.
It works fine, just a little problem with SELinux, solve with the command "setsebool httpd_can_network_connect on"
I hope find time to add the computers in my network I made same test.
@iroal I had that exact same issue
Although I'm still having some issues as I am running a separate database. Had to step away and come back to it.
Im installing Zabbix on CentOS 7 and cant get the mysql DB created. What documentation are you guys using for the install. Im using the docs on Zabbix website.
@alex.olynyk said:
Im installing Zabbix on CentOS 7 and cant get the mysql DB created. What documentation are you guys using for the install. Im using the docs on Zabbix website.
What issue are having with the database?
@scottalanmiller shell> cd database/mysql
I see no database folder on the system -
I see no path to /database/mysql after running locate
@alex.olynyk said:
@scottalanmiller shell> cd database/mysql
I see no database folder on the systembut... why are you looking for one?
@scottalanmiller I am following the doc on the website.
@alex.olynyk said:
@scottalanmiller I am following the doc on the website.
That docs tell you to locate the database FILE?
@alex.olynyk said:
I see no path to /database/mysql after running locate
OH, the SQL files for the database are missing from the Zabbix install!!
This has nothing to do with the database not working, this is the SQL initialization scripts are not where they are supposed to be from Zabbix. That's very confusing to refer to that as database issue. That's like saying your car isn't working when the issue is you can't find the groceries you were supposed to put in the trunk.
@scottalanmiller this is the link i used to install. Did I miss something?
@alex.olynyk said:
@scottalanmiller this is the link i used to install. Did I miss something?
This is the total configuration portion that I see for a database on Centos...
# cd /usr/share/doc/zabbix-server-mysql-3.0.0 # zcat create.sql.gz | mysql -uroot zabbix
Where are you seeing the part that you are doing?
@scottalanmiller just above that where it says...Create zabbix database and user on MySQL. For instructions on doing that, see database creation scripts for MySQL.
Guess I misunderstood.
@alex.olynyk said:
@scottalanmiller just above that where it says...Create zabbix database and user on MySQL. For instructions on doing that, see database creation scripts for MySQL.
Guess I misunderstood.
Ah, do you mean on this page instead?
@scottalanmiller Yes Sir. I goofed.
Thanks Scott. Its working now.