So there is no shortage of security experts after all!
Saw something a green guy posted in August which did my nut about "lack of security" experts. computer-world article is the first published document I've found which confirms what I've suspected all along, mid way through the article:
Security professionals are developed over time, just as happens with experts in every profession, including all of the other disciplines within the computer profession: You are assigned a position that is consistent with your skill level, learn on the job and receive appropriate training. It is that simple. You can “create” a security professional by finding someone with the required minimum skills — usually a computer professional with several years of experience — and then having them learn the security-specific skills required through on-the-job training, mentorship and formal training. I mean, think about it: In many cases, firewalls have been installed and well maintained for years without the benefit of newly minted graduates from cybersecurity programs.
The approach that seems to prevail these days — seeking a new hire who already has the right skills and experience or hiring them away from another organization — just doesn’t work. But it is why so many people believe there is a shortage of security professionals.
Talking of security, have you cracked my 7-zip file yet?
@Carnival-Boy said:
Talking of security, have you cracked my 7-zip file yet?
Seriously, I've been waiting to hear about that.
This supports my question:
@Carnival-Boy said:
Talking of security, have you cracked my 7-zip file yet?
Not even tried yet
Had fun with other things first.