If you are new drop in say hello and introduce yourself please!
Welcome @Lauren7060
What's a VT?
(currently, I think it's a carhere and here)
It's a US state, Vermont.
@nadnerB said:
Welcome @Lauren7060
What's a VT?
(currently, I think it's a carhere and here)
US State. Vermont.
Bill Bryson talks in his book "Made in America" how some illiterate people thinking that Vermont was French for "green mountain" likely named the state. But in French it would be montagne verte which as you can see is very different. Vermont literally means Mount Worm.
Maybe Mount Worm was always intended to be the name or maybe it was an inside joke. But most people have given the state's founders credit as not being malicious, just idiots.
The famous mountain range in Vermont is the Green Mountains. Hence why people assume that was what people meant to name the state. But Mount Worm somehow won out when picking the name.
Well "mount" in French is "mont", and "green" is "vert". Do the math.
@art_of_shred said:
Well "mount" in French is "mont", and "green" is "vert". Do the math.
But ver, is not. Ver = worm. It is was Vertmont, it would be one thing, but it is not. Vert does not appear in the name.
Cause it would look dumb. Vermont flows better. I get it. Call it "commoner's etymology".
@art_of_shred said:
Cause it would look dumb. Vermont flows better. I get it. Call it "commoner's etymology".
Except we could pronounce it the same, that it is written "Worm Mountain" is the odd bit.
Alligator comes from the spanish term el largarto. Just another word that got butchered...lol
The American English seems to be good at doing this.
@Lauren7060 said:
Lauren here from VT. I finally was invited to the cool kids club ;o). Looking forward to learning more about this community.
Welcome - Glad to have you here
@dafyre said:
The American English seems to be good at doing this.
Yeah, and it's a word, and we all know what it means, so who gives a crap. Move on...
Hi Lauren! Welcome to ML!
Welcome to @csswales
Hi @csswales Welcome aboard!
@csswales Welcome to ML
Hello! Sarah from San Bruno, CA. Was recommended this site by Scott. Joined to bullshit and have some laughs, and maybe learn something in the process.
I will just put this here for giggles.
@nerdyfem4life welcome to the community!!
Welcome to the ML community! Great to see new faces.