RadioShack Blocked from Trying to sell Personal Data
Yeah, when I was a kid going to RS was cool. Something the people "in the know" did. In the last ten years it turned into where idiots wanting cell phones went. It was embarrassing to go there. And consequently, no one did.
@scottalanmiller said:
Yeah, when I was a kid going to RS was cool. Something the people "in the know" did. In the last ten years it turned into where idiots wanting cell phones went. It was embarrassing to go there. And consequently, no one did.
I wasn't around for it in the 80s or very early 90s RadioShack, but from movies like Short Circuit 2, it did seem to me to be cooler. I haven't been to one in a long time, a few years I guess, and they still had some resistors and things, but they were hidden away in a single drawer.
RS in the early 80s was freaking cool. Nothing but awesome electronic stuff.
I had a Tandy TRS-80 computer with the Cassate tapes. It would've been 10-12 years old when I had it though.
@thecreativeone91 said:
I had a Tandy TRS-80 computer with the Cassate tapes. It would've been 10-12 years old when I had it though.
Still have two of them.
RS was the best place for starting a electronics project. Since the it got into the cell phone, TVs and crap, it's gone down hill. Of course, with cell phones and such, things like two way communications has suffered. They don't carry anything really related to that genre anymore... Which is sad since I need some coax cable.. i'll order it online since they don't have what I need...
@g.jacobse All true, and you probably just saved $20 and got it delivered.
@MattSpeller said:
@g.jacobse All true, and you probably just saved $20 and got it delivered.
Back in the day RS wasn't so overpriced. For the last decade or two they were insane. Anyone with a clue knew not to buy anything there as the prices were the worst.
@scottalanmiller t'was my first job in the early naughties - just as they started ramping up in a big way
My first three jobs closed down while I was working there.... I wonder if RS would have sooner if I worked there haha
My first job closed down right after I quit. I have a history of quitting a week or so before everyone else keeps working but without getting paychecks.
@scottalanmiller said:
My first job closed down right after I quit. I have a history of quitting a week or so before everyone else keeps working but without getting paychecks.
So, you're saying you're the grim reaper of businesses
@tonyshowoff said:
@scottalanmiller said:
My first job closed down right after I quit. I have a history of quitting a week or so before everyone else keeps working but without getting paychecks.
So, you're saying you're the grim reaper of businesses
It would appear so.