Got Some New Toys Today!
@thecreativeone91 said:
@coliver said:
@thecreativeone91 said:
@Dashrender said:
I too was wondering why you went consumer instead of UBNT? Sure a EdgeRouter Lite and AP AC would be a bit more... but it's 'doing IT' at home instead of consumer.
He has an ESXi server at home so he could put a virtual router in at no extra cost. That's what I use is a router on one of my esxi hosts. Had been pfsense for years but I switched to sophos more recently.
Do you have multiple NICs in your home box?
Yep. I just put in a PCI card NIC. Since it's a desktop. If it was a real power edge or something you wouldn't have to. You could technically bring the wan in over a vlan if you use a managed switch at home but I'm honestly not to fond of that idea which is why I don't do it.
Good to know. I need to do this, my home router hasn't been the most stable of late.
@coliver External HDs are great for home backups provided your pipes never burst, you never have a fire, or a lightning strike, or a power problem, or a curious kid.
We use MozyPRO at home. Individual file restores are comparable our previous external HD.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@coliver said:
@MattSpeller said:
@coliver said:
Hmm. I really do need to invest in a backup drive for local backups.
Isn't that what RAID is for? Geez man
I should have added, at home to that. We have local and offsite backup for the place I work.
I have local back my office backup is a mix of google drive, gmail, and owncloud haha. Yeah I know it's not that good of a plan.
Note that Google Drive Sync is NEVER a backup solution.
@afalcon said:
Note that Google Drive Sync is NEVER a backup solution.
Well the folder I use is only for backups. I don't actively use anything in there so in my case it is. I also manually upload it. We are talking about home use here.
@afalcon said:
@coliver External HDs are great for home backups provided your pipes never burst, you never have a fire, or a lightning strike, or a power problem, or a curious kid.
We use MozyPRO at home. Individual file restores are comparable our previous external HD.
I use Backblaze for my offsite solution. I was just thinking for immediate file recovery.
Unless your computer is hit with a virus and the files in your "backup folder" are corrupted or cryptolocked. Those changes will sync to Drive.We've seen this way too often with our customers.
@coliver said:
@afalcon said:
@coliver External HDs are great for home backups provided your pipes never burst, you never have a fire, or a lightning strike, or a power problem, or a curious kid.
We use MozyPRO at home. Individual file restores are comparable our previous external HD.
I use Backblaze for my offsite solution. I was just thinking for immediate file recovery.
I use Unitrends locally for immediate file recovery
@afalcon said:
Unless your computer is hit with a virus and the files in your "backup folder" are corrupted or cryptolocked. Those changes will sync to Drive.We've seen this way too often with our customers.
Again. I upload to it manually. There's little chance of me getting a virus like that anyway consider I don't download anything. That's how you get those. @thanksajdotcom probably gets them from his um downloads.
So you are 20 times more likely to get malware from an infected or corrupted website than from an intentional file download. Even "trusted" sites, like CNN, have been hacked and have spread malware.
I understand how you are using Drive, and if you know the files are clean before a manual upload, than the Drive content will stay clean.
@afalcon said:
So you are 20 times more likely to get malware from an infected or corrupted website than from an intentional file download. Even "trusted" sites, like CNN, have been hacked and have spread malware.
If you get them that way you aren't running your browser in a sandbox.
@coliver said:
@afalcon said:
@coliver External HDs are great for home backups provided your pipes never burst, you never have a fire, or a lightning strike, or a power problem, or a curious kid.
We use MozyPRO at home. Individual file restores are comparable our previous external HD.
I use Backblaze for my offsite solution. I was just thinking for immediate file recovery.
@thecreativeone91 said:
@afalcon said:
Unless your computer is hit with a virus and the files in your "backup folder" are corrupted or cryptolocked. Those changes will sync to Drive.We've seen this way too often with our customers.
Again. I upload to it manually. There's little chance of me getting a virus like that anyway consider I don't download anything. That's how you get those. @thanksajdotcom probably gets them from his um downloads.
I'm not stupid in how I download. I am quite...selective. I'm also careful.