Solar Zeppelins and a Floating Cloud City on Venus says NASA
@scottalanmiller said:
Nice option for exploring. I had not thought about a cloud city. I just always assumed that Venus would be out due to the surface heat and pressures.
Me too, this is a really cool idea. Would be amazing to see something like this really tried. And who knows, maybe it will be even more like Bespin and able to actually mine the surface or something. Lots of possibilities.
Now that is really neat. I hope that we get to see this come to fruition!
I saw the article too. Unfortunately it reminds me a lot of the pipe dream presentations from the 70's and 80's. I am still waiting for my Jetson's car. The other side of the question is for what purpose. Do they have a way to modify the 800+ degree temps and sulfuric acid air? If they said hey, we are going to experiment with this in case the same thing happens to us. Great - lets look at it. Mars is a lot safer bet, but again to what end.
It's not a colonization trip. Neither was going to the moon. The moon will never be a colony.
LOL..I am still giggling over the Enterprise project...I want to believe, but it seems nothing awesome has happened since the moon landing. Yeah...we have a "space station" and a martian robot.
Coolest thing is the rocket landing on the comet/meteor thing.
I also want my flying car, and Mars colony and vacation in the awesome space stations they showed us in the 70's!
@technobabble said:
I also want my flying car, and Mars colony and vacation in the awesome space stations they showed us in the 70's!
The government got in the way of business. Space will come now that business is finally moving into it.
In general, I am not a fan of NASA's involvement in space exploration for the past few decades. They pushed us too far too fast and it cost way too much and delivered way too little. Way past time for them to step aside and let private companies do it where it makes sense. Not where politicians demand that it goes.
@scottalanmiller said:
In general, I am not a fan of NASA's involvement in space exploration for the past few decades. They pushed us too far too fast and it cost way too much and delivered way too little. Way past time for them to step aside and let private companies do it where it makes sense. Not where politicians demand that it goes.
While, I am not a huge NASA fan, I also have no problem with them. The problem is that NASA was not allowed to be. They had to do what they were told by people that had not clue.