I need help with a Shadow Redundancy Question. Exchange 2013
I just went over a lesson on Shadow Messaging. I took a quiz at the end of this session and I came across an answer that I still don't understand after reading the associated Technet article.
You have 4 exchange servers and two sites. You run Get-TransportConfig and receive this output
Shadow Copies of messages will be created on?
A) Servers in all sites
B ) Local Server only
C) Servers in the same site only
D) Servers in the remote site onlySo I went to the following technet article http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd351027(v=exchg.150).aspx
I found this, but I am not sure I understand it.
Typing all this out helped me understand it. Thanks for listening to me
Um... you're welcome?
@StrongBad said:
Um... you're welcome?
Its one of those things that I had to spell out for myself. The correct answer should be C.
I know what you mean. Needing to write things down for other people and explaining things often leads us to an answer. It is like we are able to step outside of ourselves and view the issue as a third party to get a fresh perspective. Or we force ourselves to expose something that we knew but were overlooking.
Glad that that worked out so well.